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UNSC Warlord Paused


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Well I know I promised to get three chapters in within the week. (7/26/14 - 8/2/14) But I decided to take away that time and add more customization of the story to the characters (Whom were created by the community) and add some seasonings to spice it up.


The upcoming ability is based off of my play-through of the Destiny Beta. Except to modify things and convert them.


Now, this is for the UNSC War participants only. (Sorry for the discrimination, I am just using it to add more ideas and depth into my story.) If you are interested in the story, just sign up on the sign up sheet on the link provided: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/34457-sign-up-your-call/



Now to move on to the story base.


Each character will be given a choice of their own custom vehicle. The vehicle can ONLY be of the one's provided. There are restrictions, depending on what type of soldier you chose when you sign up. You can't change that now, so you're going to be stuck with it. Alright, now let's get started.



1.) Which Vehicle interests you?




Warthog: Standard, Troop, Gauss, Rocket.


Heavy: Scorpion, Grizzly. (Spartans can only use Grizzly)


Fast Transport: Mongoose, Gungoose


Support: Cobra, Wolverine, Cyclops. (ODST's can only use Cobra. Engineer's can only use Cyclops)


Aircraft: Falcon, Hornet, Pelican, Hawk. (Pilots only)


Giant: Mammoth, Elephant, Scarab. (Engineer's can only use Scarabs. Maximum of 1 Scarab, first come first serve.) (Medic's can only use Elephant.)


Offensive: Mantis, Target Locator. (Air Assault can only use Target Locator.)


2.) Customize it.


What type of camouflage does it have? (If any, insert a link of the image if color is not plain. Camo is not required.)


Did you want an emblem or text wrote on it? If so, where at and what does it show/say?


3.) Modifications


What are some of the different types of adjustments that have been made:


Speed increased/reduced or is it still the same?


What about the mobility? Did you replace the wheels with treads? Or the treas with wheels? Or did you not mess with that part?


What about the armor? Did you place reactive armor on it to reduce that nasty splash damage? Or did you add adjusted torques to reduce damage taken from higher fall drops? Or is it still the same?


Anything else that you modified (That is halo realistic) that I haven't asked?




Now that's a lot of reading, but it should have been made easier to read for those of you. 


Thanks for taking your time to add onto the story! It should be continued on 8/8/14. Stay tuned until then!




P.S. If an Air Assault chose Target Locator, you cannot customize anything except the camo.

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hmm I'll go with


Camo: GAR Camo http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110918171254/starwars/images/e/ec/Venator_clonewars.jpg


better armor on the sides of the driver to reduce chance of the goose breaking in half from explosion.

slightly larger passenger platform to fit a small turret.

it can reach top speed quicker than a normal 'goose.

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Warthog: Standard
Camo : http://www.clearlycontacts.com.au/thelook/wp-uploads/2013/03/woodland_camo.jpg


Mods : This vehicle has been modified to have better speed over standard Warthog models, It also comes with slightly better armour that has been fitted to not impact the speed. :) ( aerodynamic )

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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Just a quick post because i'm suppose to not be here, but my vehicle is as follows: 


Vehicle: Wolverine

Camo/Colouring: Maybe just the basic Halo Wars brown, i loved that camo.

Emblem: The Wolverine has kill marks covering the weapon/anti-air part of the vehicle.   

Upgrades: Just one; the Dual Launcher upgrade from Halo Wars. 


Is this ok? 


See everyone soon!



Halo5 follower. 

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Warthog: Standard

Camo: Halo 4 warthog camo

Emblems: Warlord team emblem on the hood. ( maybe we can get an emblem for the team maybe?)

Mods: Titanium armor plating for extra health, sound system and speakers mounted. ( to play ride of the Valkyries into battle) spotlight mounted on dashboard on passenger side. Better ramming capabilities, and a anti missile system.

Edited by Yoshi1176
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I'll go with the troop transport Warthog.


Cusomizations and modifications are:

-Medic emblems on the front, back and sides 

-Backseats that can hold 2 people each side or be modified to be beds (one on either side) to carry wounded personnel

-Back tires are replaced with threads running all the way along the backseat area for better performance on rough terrain

-A turret mounted ontop of the backseat area which can be swung around to fend off attackers from any side

-Armour plating on either side of the backseat area to provide cover with closable sliths so guns can be poked through

-Armour plating around the driver area to protect the driver and passenger

-A slith between the drivers area and the backseat area for communication

-Medpacks underneath the seats/beds

-A little pinetree air freshener hanging inside both the driver are and the backseat area

-Radio tune



-"Haters gonna hate" sprayed on the sides


The basic idea for this vehicle is to be a multi purpose transport vehicle that can hold 1 driver, 1 shotgun passenger and either 4 backseat passenger or 2 wounded soldiers.






Heres the Warthog troop transport. Now try to imagine my modifications. 

Edited by Unease P34nut
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Class: Scorpion Tank. It's nick-named "Crusader"


Look: Has a light grey paint job instead of the OD. It has 4 skull stickers on the left side of the barrel. The words "Knock knock" are inscribed on the front of the hull in large, red writing.



The gun was upgraded to a Long-barreled 105mm smoothbore.

Armour skirts were installed to cover the treads of the tank.

The gunners turret was replaced with a remote-controlled version that can be used from inside the vehicle.

Two heavy MGs were installed to each side of the turret that can help to deal with infantry and close flying air targets.

A flamethrower was installed to the front of the hull.

Various sections of the tank had additional armour installed, including the engine.

Due to all the extra weight, this scorpion is slower

The 105mm gun has a slightly slower reload time then a normal scorpion, but packs a much bigger punch.

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