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Gametype set up tutorial.

The Director

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There are several different gametypes that you can set a map up for in Halo Reach. Firstly, you have to have created your map in Basic Editing. After that, it's pretty simple. While in the forge lobby, select the gametype that you want to make your map compatible with (i.e. Capture the Flag, Assault, etc.) and start the forge. For each gametype you will need a certain amount of objectives to make it compatible. It's good to have your map spawns figured out in Basic Editing, so that you don't have to lay down 200 different spawn points. The following is a list of gametypes as well as what you need to do to make them compatible with your map. Press ctrl+F and type in the gametype you are looking for, because this is going to be a long one.


Assault: For assault you will need at least three capture plates and hill markers. One Capture plate and hill marker for red team, one of each for blue team, and one of each that will remain neutral. You will find these under "Objectives". For each of the capture plates, set them to the proper team (it's at the top when you press X) and then go to Advanced and set Game-Specific to True (this will come in handy if you want to forge other gametypes as well) and Game Type Label to AS_Goal. Once you have all of the capture plates set up, put the hill markers (also under objectives) on top of them. Set them to the proper team (it will be the same team as the capture plate) and set them to Game-Specific True and the Game Type Label to AS_Bomb. Now, your assault game is ready to go. :D


Capture the Flag: The gametype variant you select will not matter. I prefer the top choice because it's faster. What you will need is EITHER three capture plates OR three flag stands. It doesn't matter which of these you choose. One is for red team, one is for blue team, and one is for Neutral Flag. Once you figure out where you are going to put them, press X and set them to the proper team. Red for red, blue for blue, and neutral for neutral. Then go to Advanced and set them for Game-Specific True, and Game Type Label CTF_FLAG_RETURN. Once you've done that, your map is playable. If you wish to set up respawn zones so that teams will spawn in different areas depending on whether their flag is away or at home, spawn a respawn zone (under spawning) set the team it's for, and select advanced. If you want them to spawn in a certain area when the flag is away, set it to CTF_RES_ZONE_AWAY, if you want them to spawn in a certain area when their flag is home, set it to CTF_RES_ZONE. Now, your CTF game is ready to go. :D


Headhunter: For head hunter all you need is drop points. This is where players will "drop" their skulls, converting them into score. However many you put will be up to you, but bear in mind that you only actually need one or two. For this, you will need hill markers. Once you have your hill markers where you want them, make sure the team on them is "Neutral". Then, go to advanced, select game-specific and make it true, then set the gametype label for HH_DROP_POINT. Now, your Headhunter game is ready to go. :D


Juggernaut: You don't really need to do anything but make sure you have the proper amount of spawns for Juggernaut. You need to have both team and FFA spawns on your map anyway, to make it playable for any gametype. Otherwise people will spawn off of your map. Once you have the spawns, you are done. Now your Juggernaut game is ready to go. :D


King of the Hill: King of the Hill is very easy to set up. All you need is hill markers. However many you want is up to you, but I like to have 4 on my maps. Once you have figured out where to put your hill markers, make sure the Team is set at Neutral, and then select Advanced. Set Game-Specific to true, and set the game type label to KOTH_HILL. See? Easy. Now your KotH game is ready to go. :D


Oddball: for this rather awkward game of holding balls for points, all you need is one capture plate. Once you've spawned and set up your capture plate, set the team to Neutral (it should be by default, but you should double check) and then go to advanced. Set it to Game-Specific True, then set the game type label to ODDBALL_BALL. Now your Oddball game is ready to go. :D


Stockpile: For this one all you need is two capture plates and one flag stand. It's suggested that you set up to five flag stands though, to make the game a little shorter and more fun. Your capture plates are for your teams, so set them up accordingly. The flag stands should be an neutral points across the map, so that it doesn't favor one team over another. Once you have the capture plates set up, set them to the proper team color (Red or blue) and go to advanced. Select game specific and make it true, then put the game type label as STP_GOAL. Now your goals are set up. Then, select the flag stands and make sure they are neutral. No team colors for them. Once that's done, go to advanced, and make them game specific true and set the game type label as STP_FLAG. Once you've done this, you have everything set up. Your Stockpile game is ready to go. :D


Territories: For territories you will have to select the gametype "Territories" at the bottom of the list. Once in forge, all you will need is a few Hill Markers. It only uses up to 5, so using more than five hill markers is pointless unless you've got something planned. Once you've got them set up make sure the team is neutral, then go to advanced. Set Game-Specific to True, then set the game type label to TERR_OBJECT. Now, here is the tricky bit. For them to actually work you have to set the spawn sequence. It has to be a number from 1 to 5. I usually just set them all on one, but go ahead and experiment to see what it does. Once you've done that, you're done. Now your Territories game is ready to go. :D


Alright, for Invasion, Infection, and Race I'm going to refer you to Youtube for a bit because these get rather complex. For any complexities on any gametype so far listed that I have not helped you with, please use this. http://www.youtube.c...Z8E51g&tracker= :D If your questions are not answered by those videos, please post them here. Have fun with your forging.



The Director.

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  On 4/15/2012 at 11:51 AM, Azaxx said:

aw you meany, i was thinking of doing this today or tomorrow, but you beat me to it. Its very clear instructions so if someone doesnt get it, they are dumb IMO lol

Thank you, and some people have more difficulty understanding things than others lol
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