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Sadly Just AL

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Sadly Just AL last won the day on December 16 2016

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    Channing Tatum

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343 Guilty Spark

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  1. What are you doin', feller.

    1. Yoshi1176


      Good question, nothing important. Lots of end of the year stuff

  2. I signed on here just for this. Happy Birthday my Aussie boi, hoping you have a great bday bb, not ruined by Uni, Parents, or Roos.

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Funny you should mention that...I have a Uni exam at 1:30pm lmao. Thanks heaps Sparky! That means a lot <3

  3. Drizzy take my--

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Probably frowned upon here, huh.


    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Not when I'm site mod

  4. Listen... I don't have a clue of what is going on in the story anymore, with AI Lives Matter, Hunt the New Plot, and Lego Set Eternal, but the community aspect is the main attraction. Ho no. Not THAT kind of community. I'm talking the "Pile 50 warthogs at the Hog Race finish line" kind of community. Playing Halo with friends is an experience that I don't see much in many other games. (Sure, there is Minecraft, but BZ1 blew up the roof and Gambol doesn't get invites from me, so basically eat me). From sweeping, or being swept by, enemy teams to ruining everyone's day in Action Sack, the game still doesn't disappoint. And you could say: "Hold up there Chief (haha), what about the few game modes and linear play? You didn't think about all the drawbacks of competitive play on casual people... And assumed my gender, but I'll send you PM ab"-- I'm rambling on here with a joke more beaten down than Glenn's skull. Looky here! Customs! Play the way you want, whether it's mere weapon changes to "what the hell, my frames are at 0.5, Vin delete the Billboards". Don't like the folks online nor boring linywhatever gameplay? To hell with them. Find some nice guys or gals to play with and have at it with crazy game types like "One in the Chamber", "Jenga City", "Fishy", etc... Blah blah, fun stuff. Ask Blue, he knows all this stuff. And FORGE. Forge lets YOU call the shots. Ruin a perfectly good Sentinel Beam (damage is fine... Very late Trigger warning) with Hydra missiles or have everybody drive a banshee melded to 4 mantises. The possibilities are endless! You can drop tanks on friends or fly an ONI Falcon (DAMN HELIOS PHAETON) with Shades on it... Sunglasses not turrets, never thought I'd have to make that distinction in my life. Thanks Halo. You could make a golf cart, but you can't really drive it... Make maps, gamemodes, and all that jazz for you and your Homie Gee McFlurry Twists. Sure that's covered... But... Uh oh... What's that? "Warzone has become Farm Simulator and there is little chance to get into a non-blowout game! What about that biznasty?" A wise fictional man that looked like Richard Castle once said: "From prey to predator". Got friends on Halo 5? Get in there and plow your own fields with your team of six (yeah six, fire teams changed, outcome did not) and get your own Achilles Armor... Or friend fun... Friend Fun sounds better. STILL hate people online, there's firefight... Still sucks alone. Better get the people you like and show Captain Hetero, Tank Master Rok (and second cousin Luk), and all those pain in the butt Prometheans who the real Baron S'arome is, damn it Fishy has level 9 Reqs already. Halo is doo doo when playing solo, unless you're that one Onyx in FFA. BUT I love it... Not... Solo... Is that the message I'm trying to deliver? Yeah, sure. Whatever. Friends = Halo fun And you're there like: "I get it now!" And then bought Battlefield 1 because you didn't read any of this. Thanks a lot, pal. Halo is dead. Mainly because of Poundtown.
  5. Are you finished with those errands?

  6. I wish to be swimming ecstatically in Mantises and dive into a pool of Plasma Casters and Whiplashes with the grace of a rubber goose. But more importantly... The Company... Play for the Company... Win for the Company... BREATH for the Company... Or something like that... A Phaeton would be nice, too. But really, playing with the bros, having the good times, and of course getting into a Wraith Turret, triple-capping, and destroying the core. Fishy, we're gonna empty that inventory.
  7. Happy Birthday, Kumaru!

  8. Don't forget Drizzy's birthday today.

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