On the newest episode of Spartan Ops Commander Palmer is ordered by a Oni Admiral to kill Catherine Elizabeth Halsey. Captain Lasky gets offended that no one should kill a civillian. No one mentioned anything about Miranda Keys or Captain Keys, since Halsey was In a tight relationship with Captain Keys.
Dr Halsey goes into the forerunner structure,and goes face to face with the librarian or the Didacts wife. The librarian holds 2 keys ,both show every forerunner riches of where forerunner ships,guns,forerunners will be. The keys are called Janic Keys and they hold all forerunner richs. Halo nation deleted all the information on the Janic Keys but this is all what is left. Stated by Halo Nation "This is the Janic Key, it offers the real-time location of every piece of Forerunner technology in the galaxy"
Below is the Janic Keys

Also if you havent read the halo books it talks about the supreme commander of all forerunners called the master builder. Also the librarian quotes saying that be prepared for whats coming to you. From the details they give you most likely have the flood again as a threat,but we already faced the flood will it be more dictator forerunners like the master builder?
Halo 5 Guesses- With all the details we got from spartan ops to terminals and books we can only say that in Halo 5 the chief will be looking for forerunner riches,and whatever the librarian warned us about it must be something big like the flood or precusors or more forerunners. We will eventuallly find out.
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