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Cascos beats baratos One caveat: The Zoro does not hold up well to repeated high volume usage on deep bass tracks that cause distortion. As with many pairs in the $100-range, this eventually seems to lead to some permanent driver damage. It doesn’t mean the headphones will be unusable, but they might suffer from a bit of rattling or fuzziness on certain frequencies, regardless of the volume—at the end of our testing, a third deep bass, high volume test ended up doing some damage to the right ear’s drivers.



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kily, Clinton is an expert at getting out stains, so it's not a problem there. quot 151 Jay Leno quot How many of you remember President Clinton? He was the fun one. An 18 year old high school student wrote him a letter asking him to deliver the commencement address at the high school. Well, it actually wasn't just a letter, it was a couple of polaroids that went along with it. quot 151 David Letterman quot According soccer jersey replica to a recent report, Americans spend more money on pornography than we do on political campaigns. Last year we spent 11 billion on pornography and only 1. 2 billion on politics. That was the great thing with Bill Clinton, with him you got both. quot 151 Jay Leno quot There is a rumor in Britain that President Clinton is going to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Which is really odd, because usually women are on their knees in front of him. quot 151 Conan O'Brien quot Great Britain is considering knighting former President Bill Clinton. And that's not all, because he committed adultery, cheated and had a bunch of loser relatives who never had a job in their lives, he's also being made an honorary member of the royal family. quot 151 Jay Leno quot Former President Clinton has been hanging out in a bar in Chappaqua, New York. Apparently he was there like every night last week. And apparently whenever President Clinton goes cheap team soccer jerseys there, he asks for the usual and the waitress gives him a restraining order. quot 151 Conan O'Brien quot According to ABC News, Bill Clinton often sneaks back to Washington to be with Hillary. I guess he doesn't want his girlfriends finding out that he is seeing his wife. quot 151 Jay Leno quot Former President Bill Clinton is in India right now and he is doing ever


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