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Halo 4 Info: part 2 thread, Update new screen shots, composer revealed and more info coming soon (hopefully)


I have been keeping a close eye out for halo info, pics, neogaf comments basically anything that could be any relevance. I am making a second part thread as my other one is getting too big i hope the mods dont mind me doing this, here is my first thread for those who havnt been updated http://www.343indust...5001#entry75001. Coincidently i am start this one with a new view of halo 4's cortana like i did last time, which is this time appears to be actually in-game footage and i must say her new image looks brilliant.




Update: Some more new screen shots


A lonely cortana




Chief and a rouge elite get up close oUl1k.jpg




In game screen shot of the forward unto dawn kZR0H.jpg




And a few other new shots








Look at the picture below, if you zoom into the part that has the red text (look at the thrid box) on the monitor screen is says (i think it says) last contact with UNSC 3 years, 4 months and 30..?, im guessing 30 days if there are in one if the months that have 31 days.





Sorry this isnt the best quality




Update: Halo 4's new composer http://www.edge-onli...c-another-level


Update: Some official Halo 4 soundtracks http://www.evilsourc...e-scenes-video/


Update: Frank explains a little on the new music http://neogaf.net/fo...postcount=18468


Update: Halo 4's composer Neil Davidge gives some Q&A (click on the image to magnify the size it is very small for some reason) http://i.imgur.com/2gfrb.jpg


Update: Jeff Steitzer comfirmed http://i1207.photobu...nfirmedjeff.png


Update: Frank stated that the flood will not be in halo 4 (I kind of expected the flood wont be in it) http://oi41.tinypic.com/250q9mc.jpg


Update: Frank's Neogaf post about the arbiter and elites in general. Credit goes to Nova for finding this. http://postimage.org/image/5keldgd6n/


Update: Jeff Steitner confirms that Jen Taylor will return for the voice of Cortana http://3.bp.blogspot...00/Steitzer.png


Update: Game Informer Video interview and article on Competitive Mulitplayer http://www.gameinfor...ultiplayer.aspx


Update: Frank Tries to calm the nerves of those who have worrying feelings about halo 4 http://www.neogaf.co...&postcount=2337


Update: Possible Halo 4 released date but it's a rumor for now and todays new halo 4 info revealed at 5pm UK GMT http://www.computera...-report-claims/


again i will now be posting any new info on halo 4 in this thread.

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