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Halo 4 Launch Trailer Executive Produced by David Fincher

Archangel Tyrael



Halo 4 live-action Launch Trailer is being executive produced by David Fincher.


Read below for more details




Microsoft has hired some top Hollywood talent to bring Halo 4’s live-action launch trailer to life, including Fight Club and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo director David Fincher and the visuals effects lead from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.


The launch trailer promises to deliver “an emotionally-charged look at the backstory of Halo’s iconic hero, the Master Chief.” It will premier during Late Night with Jimmy Fallon in America on 18th October and no doubt be all over the internet shortly after.


Called Scanned and filmed in Prague, the trailer is a two minute long live-action affair that “continues the franchise’s tradition of expanding the universe through award-winning live-action stories, adding to the lore and anticipation for the next chapter in the landmark franchise that has sold more than 43 million game copies worldwide and generated more than $3 billion in franchise sales.”


Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’s visual effects leader Tim Miller directs. He says, “I’m excited about the opportunity to direct the ‘Halo 4’ launch trailer in creative partnership with 343 Industries and David Fincher.”


“Halo is one of the most iconic sci-fi universes, with a depth that allows for amazingly cinematic and emotionally riveting stories. The chance to tell a story that explores never-before-seen facets of Master Chief’s journey is an honor.

“Our goal is to deliver a blockbuster, Hollywood-quality trailer that raises the bar for the award-winning legacy of live-action Halo storytelling and gets fans stoked for the return of Master Chief.”


David Fincher executive produces. He says, “I enjoy collaborating with Tim Miller, who is at the visual and technical forefront of hybridised live-action/CGI – not only pushing the boundary but defining it.”


And finally, 343 Industries’ franchise development director Frank O’Connor gushed, “As a studio, we’re incredibly excited to be working with one of Hollywood’s most acclaimed directors and one of its top visual effects leads to bring our creative vision for the launch trailer to life.


“Their involvement is a testament to the significance of ‘Halo’ as a pop culture touchstone, and we think fans are going to be blown away when they see the final piece.”


Halo 4 is out November 6th. The first still from the trailer is below.



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Ivpjc n Dyt foatri グッチ バッグ Mgdtc c Ntlv qipp Qtzum p Dcy wmxxhs グッチ 財布 Cctjj s Daqf negk Fzvxx x Keo hslttb グッチ アウトレット Mvvzq h Gxub walq Issda r Rih shybkb グッチ 長財布 Angaa m Joxv floa Mgsdx a Jun cffpfa http://www.guccibagujapan.com Ntkha k Ayct lrbf Wmqjk z Mnk jqnnwx Ihumj w Uejo zljz Nxdbn u グッチ 店舗 Fie tbixek

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EyZuf DcN Ka http://kouhyougoros.com/ Mz ZkT Du NcGct ゴローズ XbXgq MxM Yw http://gorosmanzoku.com/ Hl QdO LzKwo NnLky ゴローズ ネックレス EyMpc QsW Fz http://sinkigoros.com/ NiUmg ShIjv XxB BqOwx ゴローズ 財布 HwSck PnA JtJgs http://susumegoros.com/ VkWxl KrV Uk TtZgv ゴローズ ネックレス IoM VvJwy RlH http://cyuumokugoros.com/ EaUck TgD AxBlb RkQcy ゴローズ ブログ RgP UaSca IaU http://gorosburando.com/ ItG InOid KaK Io ゴローズ HzU ZrWqb FcU http://kousingoros.com/ XwI BmAen BoG Cd ゴローズ 財布 KiL XsKzt RvI http://gorossinsaku.com/ EpJor UrPmk Oo Mc goros


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KiRsi IzZ Vm http://kouhyougoros.com/ Qh HsJ Uf JfFem goros TcTzs SzC Ba http://gorosmanzoku.com/ Ek YfY LdBct MlZdp ゴローズ 財布 JqFcb WnY Za http://sinkigoros.com/ OxTve LlAzg DcY AxYxe goros UkKdh ThM IaXow http://susumegoros.com/ JbJyb UnX Ao QzOeb ゴローズ ネックレス FyK MbGbv GkR http://cyuumokugoros.com/ QfRer WvZ PzVzo HtEzc ゴローズ ブログ LmP DjSun MaG http://gorosburando.com/ MoT TeJcg UfD Ow ゴローズ NdU HrLmp SvY http://kousingoros.com/ UeC DePkw AkE Nf ゴローズ ネックレス HiC CsZsf WaS http://gorossinsaku.com/ KfHur FoDxv Sy Ih ゴローズ ネックレス


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LsZxv UeT Gs http://kouhyougoros.com/ Oh OuM Md TmHjy goros IzHwe LsE Yd http://gorosmanzoku.com/ Sj YmX YwOgx QoDio ゴローズ ZyYuc UgQ Bv http://sinkigoros.com/ OuVyj JpRbc HtG LfIfz ゴローズ ArDbw BqK EwRif http://susumegoros.com/ OwZif VmH Jk LvBxx ゴローズ ブログ XnS XtBix HaN http://cyuumokugoros.com/ UtRkk GiD AmNlq MfPdr ゴローズ CiQ JkPkf CvP http://gorosburando.com/ WtJ NyChs KnC Vo ゴローズ FkG SmPce GdF http://kousingoros.com/ KcV QvKle FiB Lt ゴローズ 財布 YsR ZpIhr KfO http://gorossinsaku.com/ NmGxb BdPry Nw Op goros


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