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Halo Anniversary Multiplayer Maps


Ok so I know a lot of people are wondering what maps we are getting with CEA....well I have some exclusive confirmations on some we will get and see and also some possible ones! Without further ado lets get started!


The confirmed maps:

Pennace (Damnation)


Battle Canyon (Beaver Creek)


Hang Em' High




The rumored/possible maps:



Death Island



Unknown Firefight map

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Infinity is the mystery map that everyone is speculating about. They gave us a hint a while back in saying that the map is famous for it's amount of deaths by falling. Last time I checked, Infinity had almost 100x more fall deaths than Danger Canyon ever had. Then again, if it's a firefight map they made it into, Infinity would just simply be way to large of a map for 4 players to do it on. If I had to guess on the firefight part of it, I would say the map is Danger Canyon. It is a great mid-large map with plenty of spaces, and roughly the overall size of Unearthed.


But then again, they said this firefight map was going to be doing things not ever seen or thought possible before?!? Damn 343 you scary!!!!

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Yea, if they do Death Island I am hoping for it to be desert style or winter/snow style.


Forget that, hopefully we can change the background our self, u kwn, make it avaible to modify our selves in forge, maybe even change the time of day, dare to dream i guess!


I hope they do TimberLand,one of the best i think, bedsides Icefields!!!

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Forget that, hopefully we can change the background our self, u kwn, make it avaible to modify our selves in forge, maybe even change the time of day, dare to dream i guess!


I hope they do TimberLand,one of the best i think, bedsides Icefields!!!



Yeah that not going to happen with a tile Update and the new maps. That is a Forge idea for Halo 4 that a lot of people want. Hopefully we will get it.


I want Death Island although I think it will be infinity.

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Just saying, but is it possible to say that maybe more towards Halo 4, that they might come up with another "Classics" map pack, bring some other maps that the community wants, and as we all kwn, once Halo 4 comes out, Halo Reach will be dead, so u could even consider it a farewell package for Reach.... and yes this is related to the page's topic!!

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Infinity is the mystery map that everyone is speculating about. They gave us a hint a while back in saying that the map is famous for it's amount of deaths by falling. Last time I checked, Infinity had almost 100x more fall deaths than Danger Canyon ever had. Then again, if it's a firefight map they made it into, Infinity would just simply be way to large of a map for 4 players to do it on. If I had to guess on the firefight part of it, I would say the map is Danger Canyon. It is a great mid-large map with plenty of spaces, and roughly the overall size of Unearthed.


But then again, they said this firefight map was going to be doing things not ever seen or thought possible before?!? Damn 343 you scary!!!!

Maybe firefight in space, Sabrefight!!

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