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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4



Information From Frank's Twitter


Frank O'Connor has tweeted confirming that a map remake will be in Halo 4. He has not confirmed which map it is yet but gives a very brief description.


Here is what he said:



"Halo 4 only includes one map remake. I know what it is, it is good. It will cause the least drama of any new thing. It is NOT Small."


I'm thinking maybe its Blood Gulch but who knows, leave a comment on what map you want it to be.

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holding the herdast to depress button on the entire controller He needs to get some exercise. A 7 year old can do it but he can't. Fail. BTW Killzone 2 had cover, he would now that if he played the game. Also in Killzone 3 in the options menu you can toggle the cover. But, that would require a pressing a button to get to the options menu. Too much for wimp boy.

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I cannot wait to buy your book and supoprt all of the Thinking Moms and their families. I am a warrior mom myself who is grateful for Barbara Loe Fisher and NVIC for helping me educate myself and prevent my daughter from suffering even more damage after a vaccine reaction. There was tremendous pressure from her peds to continue vax'ing full steam ahead. I did my own thinking and opted out of further vax for her. Fully behind you revolutionary moms!

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What a powerful and inontraiispal message you ladies have to share! Your words will empower so many families that feel there is no hope, that their child has no voice, that their life has no meaning. You all prove that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that we are not in this fight alone!!Congratulations to my TMR Kelly. I love you girl! F.U.A.

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OMG! Your video made me cry. Congratulations! I'm only 2 years into this journey, but I feel like you all made it so much eaesir for the next generation of thinking moms and dads. Thank you! Thank you for all you have sacrificed and given back to us! Love you all!!

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Congratulations, all! Every chapter in every book is aonther undeniable testimony that the rest of society must hear and eventually deal with.“Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are Anger and Courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.” Saint Augustine

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Happy tears . . . can't wait!! Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never in nothing, great or small, large or petty never give in, excpet to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. ~Winston Churchill

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Your post does a great job of delineating the befients of business planning.Yet it's still so surprising that so many nonprofit entrepreneurs loathe the responsibility to do a business plan when required by funders. We get calls with these complaints all the time.In the nonprofit world, funders are starting to ask for program plans. Those plans resemble business plans, e.g., the include description of the program, verification that the program's services indeed are even needed, verification of what outcomes will meet those needs, who the collaborators are, (sometimes even mention of who the competitors are), fee structure, etc.I suspect that part of the problem is that we still present business planning as something that is totally separate from what they're doing already.Your post helps to remind us that the major benefactor of business planning is us!

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My son s sign would say to be accepted . He wants more than anhtniyg to be with all the other kids and do what they do. He doesn't want to be shut away in a special classroom or eat weird looking foods (He definately is GFCF, though) I constantly have to push and fight the school for this. He was kicked out of the afterschool/summer program for typical kids last week. I still can't believe little, shy old me had the courage to demand a meeting with the Director and fight to get him back in. I won. I used to do anhtniyg right or battle authority when I was a kid. My son makes me be strong inside and courageous for him.

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Love I always put Autism' in queots because my main message is to the public and to doctors that what is happening to our children is not Autism. We know it is medical, but as long as we keep calling it Autism, it can never be recognized for what it truly is. Our children are sick so Call it what you want, But don't Call it Autism' .at my house anyway

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Wow, left me in tears. I could not help but think what my son's sign would say if he were to hold one up .it would say To get married, be a dad, and have a job like evyoerne else I am really missing being there. The Thinking Moms rock. Thanks for a wonderful video.

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I think your USB Internet Radio Jukebox is awesome! I sent one to one of my Boss's at work buseace he likes Pandora and this is so much better! Gr8 product!The one thing I don't understand is Why the item is 16>99 but the shipping from Ca. to Va. is like 11.99?? Whats up with that? Is the Cali address just a front for an overseas outsourced factory? Thanks,Julie

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nice one for the amazing cotnent on your site, I am very interested in this article and you have really helped me. I have just told a few of my friends about this on FaceBook and they love your cotnent just as much as I do.

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thanx for such a brilliant blog. Where else could snemooe get that kind of info written in such a perfect way? I have a presentation that I am presently working on, and I have been on the look out for such info.

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Wow, I think that's something that was ovrokeoled! I don't know how that was managed! Tell you what, I'll change your password, and for security reasons, please check your Xbox 360 messages for the new password.

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Hey Falcon2K. Is there a lost password link soewmhere on this site that I'm missing? I can't login anymore and need to reset my password. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Username = DonJose

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Oh yeah, you can have as many as you'd list still, you just won't want to create heudrnds at once (at least I'm trying to get the focus less on just completing goals and more on why you want to complete a specific goal).

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I finally got on your web page and read evneithyrg about forge wellness u have a lot good info I was really impressed I will make time to come out after the new year And get in on a session Do u give ups discount? Lol man keep the hard work up! It will pay off!

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Thank you so much, Halo, for posting our reivew on here! We are honored. I'm excited to see my cats continue to improve and will be sure to make another video in a little while to show how they've come along. I can already tell that they are doing better. Thank you for creating such a great product!

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