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Remade Map confirmed to be returning in halo 4



Information From Frank's Twitter


Frank O'Connor has tweeted confirming that a map remake will be in Halo 4. He has not confirmed which map it is yet but gives a very brief description.


Here is what he said:



"Halo 4 only includes one map remake. I know what it is, it is good. It will cause the least drama of any new thing. It is NOT Small."


I'm thinking maybe its Blood Gulch but who knows, leave a comment on what map you want it to be.

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It totally works i ceatred them and set a timer for 5 mins to know when to stop and checked my challenges on halo waypoint on the xbox and turned them in and when i go on i get the credits.

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I remember the time halo was prsiead for its open world shooter gameplay combined with vehicles. Don't get me wrong, I like storydriven games a lot more than games, that are beeing played because of their geniuslike gameplay. I never played Halo 1 & 2, because I didn't own any console back then and the pc-versions were poorly rated, so I ignored them. I only played a little bit halo 1 on the xbox of a friend, not long enough to really dig it, but I remember it beeing mostly what bungie had announced the years before it's final release.Then I bought an Xbox360 several years ago, Halo 3 beeing one of my first games. I wasn't blown away by it, it has quite a few cool moments and it is fun to play, but the story was solid, nothing more. Since then I am not too keen on playing any Halo-title I was interested in Halo: Reach, but most reviews criticized its short campaign, so I dropped it of my watch-list.Still don't know what to think about Halo 4, I peeked into this web-series-stuff and I wasn't impressed. It might have the potential to become something like Space: Above and Beyond (maybe some of you remember the series), but I am not very attracted to stuff like that with flegdling-actors trying to imperson tough soldiers and whining and backstabbing each other I am 30, maybe getting to old for stuff like that *gg*

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See, now if they do something like this with a prpeor Halo movie (Or Warhammer, or Mass Effect, list goes on) I'd be happy, this doesent have so much CGI that it makes you ill, no 3d gimmicks, doesent show Chief's freaking face, and it doesent discount the storyline. Well done folks.A small cast of characters that maintain their emotional weight so that you actually care about them (Though I thought susan' was going to end up as the ships AI the guy had, thought that would have been neat and a bit touching)Solid action that took some time to pile up to, kept me guessing in places (Thought Chief could have been the brother, or even the kid (As I forgot about the captain there at the beginning of ep 1 )) and overall seemed believable, These seemed like real academy students, and looked like they reacted the same way that they would have with WTF!? were under attack' moments.

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Hey Joe Do a review of Halo 4 I want to know if its as good as other ginamg shows been selling it. Seems like you always do the good with the bad so If you dont mind get up an get that god damn game a ******* review it for me peace mofo!

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Hey Joe Do a review of Halo 4 I want to know if its as good as other gaimng shows been selling it. Seems like you always do the good with the bad so If you dont mind get up an get that god damn game a ******* review it for me peace mofo!

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Ad Blocker for Google Chrome. No excuse lad. Also if you let a few adrevts put you off some really good media then that is a mega fail in my book and every other book in the library!!!

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Couldn't agree more with you man, something about it gives you the hair rasniig, shiver down your spine effect. You must of spent so much time editing the video EXO, but it was clearly worth it!! Don't ever stop bassing EXO :)

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alex_seph disse:Em momento algum eu crtueqiii o jogo por ser bonito, pelo contr rio, isso um grande m rito dele por sugar o m ximo do 360, mas frisei que os cen rios algumas vezes ficam confusos demais e voc perde orienta o, e n o sempre que se tem a setinha apontando para onde voc tem que ir. Quando o cen rio mais simples, mais aberto eu diria, voc n o fica perdido, mas isso n o faz o jogo ser bonito um problema. Sobre o M$ mania que peguei do F rum Outerspace, as vezes escrevo assim s para n o precisar escrever Microsoft, n o tenho nada contra em empresa, mas voc tem raz o, n o precisava colocar assim no review, foi desnecess rio, vou me policiar neste sentido. Quem dera fosse fanboy, se fosse n o iria precisar sustentar um PS3, 360, Wii, 3DS, Vita, iPad e derivados, seria mais barato. N o tenho prefer ncia por consoles, mas sim por jogos, e Halo 4 um deles, um bom jogo. Falei que a campanha ficou inferior a dos demais Halo's e isso minha opini o, pode ser que quando voc jogar ela ache mais legal, sem problema e tomara que voc curta, mas tirando isso e o problema de orienta o que falei, o restante do jogo foi tudo de bom. N o dar nota (se bem que nem dou nota nos reviews) praticamente m xima como fez a IGN n o quer dizer que detonei o game.

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disse:Cara Depois de conhecer Call of Duty em Maio e tendo joadgo fren ticamente at lan ar o HALO 4 eu confesso que sinto falta de alguns refinamentos tipo Aim Down Sight, deitar no ch o e etc. Coisas de gameplay que deixam o jogo mais t cnico mas que no universo de Halo n o se justificam porque a mjornir(armadura dos spartans) j mostra no hud do visor a mira compensada conforme a pegada do spartan na arma e etc. Acho que isso o que dizem quando falam que HALO 4 mais do mesmo, pois a jogabilidade pouco mudou, tirando as habilidades de armadura, as melhorias de suporte e as especializa es que voc pega no multiplayer partir do level 50. Mas n o tem como dar nota baixa pra campanha. Eu vou ter que esperar o fim de semana para jogar os cap tulos finais pois minha namorada viu os primeiros cap tulos e agora quer ver o final, enquanto isso vou jogando o Multiplayer. Para ter uma base, pra mim o Resident Evil foi um game nota 8 e a campanha do HALO 4 me prende muito mais e o multi do Halo 4 me diverte mais do que o do MW3. Eu daria nota 9 para o Halo 4 por todo o conjunto pois n o acho que os cap tulos que restam da campanha v o me decepcionar. O multiplayer j me ganhou.

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disse:Fala a Alex Seph! o primeiro reveiw seu que leio, mas me pareceu sincero. Parab ns. "Se pelo lado t cnico a 343 deu conta do recado, por outro lado, a hist ria est longe de ser pica e envolvente como nos outros Halo s." -> Conte-me mais: n o sei se voc conhece a hist ria do universo do jogo. Mas e esse lance dos Forerunners aparecerem, como explicado? Pois at onde sei, eram uma ra a extinta. N o comprei o jogo at agora, pois mesmo sendo f , essa n o colou pra mim. Me lembro de algo que acontece em Mass Effect 3. A coer ncia ou n o dessa parte da hist ria pode decidir se comprarei ou n o o jogo. "A campanha acabou depois de 5 horas e tenho certeza que daqui a 1 m s nem vou me lembrar mais dela tamanho o impacto que ela me proporcionou." > Caramba, essa foi pesada! hehehe. "Destaque para um mecha muito foda que foi inserido no game." -> o/

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alex_seph disse:C pia de review xD. Sobre a Cortana e a Dra Halsey, isso mdonicnaeo durante a campanha rapidamente. Uma coisa que n o mencionei no review que existe a possibilidade de customizar os controles para um formato mais "FPS tradicional", onde o zoom das armas fica em um dos gatinhos. Isso ajudou demais para mim, visto que usei muitas armas que tinham uma vis o sniper tamb m. N o lembro se tinha essa op es nos outros Halo's, mas excelente ter no 4.

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disse:Nem vou perguntar como voc j coueignsu terminar esse game, mas t valendo :-p T louco pra jogar e conferir se ele merece tantas cr ticas mesmo. S um detalhe respeito da Cortana, ela uma IA que foi fabricada partir de um clone do c rebro da Dra Halsey(o nico sobrevivente entre 20 clones), que foi a respons vel pelo projeto Spartans. A forma humana pela qual se apresenta a forma da Dra Halsey quando jovem.

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disse:J ia perguntar isso, pois da forma como voc esreevcu no review, fiquei em d vida! Valeu! Apesar de, a partir do 3, ter todos dublados tamb m prefiro a voz original do Master Chief, muito mais carism tica. J at pensei em comprar outras c pias importadas de jogos que tenho, hehehe. A sua c pia importada voc pegou na PlayAsia ou conseguiu aqui no Brasil mesmo?

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alex_seph disse:Um detalhe imnaptorte, a vers o nacional n o tem op o de udio em ingl s, ele n o vem no disco, tem somente o PT_BR, por isso, se n o curtirem, o melhor importar o jogo. Na PlayAsia tem a vers o asi tica por 49 D lares. Region Free, ent o roda no console americano, mas n o sei se eventualmente os DLC's dariam problema ou n o.

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disse:O preconceito vem dessa garlea que acha que videogame s RPG que voc joga escolhendo op es de menu. S ver a resist ncia deles action rpgs hehehehehe E em geral, s o descoordenados que n o tem empenho/paci ncia para aprender a jogar multiplayer. Bando de leite com p ra.

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disse:Eu?To morrendo de ijnvea de vc e do Seph. Infelizmente n o tenho um 360, assim como n o tenho nenhum preconceito contra qualquer console (talvez s com o Zeebo, mas j passou.hehe).Apesar de n o ser muito f de FPS adoraria jogar os games da franquia Halo (s terminei o 1 , no PC U_U).

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thassalos disse:Pode ser , mas me pareceu que ele fez o rveeiw de m vontade, se era s pra detonar nem precisava fazer ent o. O meu 4 t a caminho e to na maior ansiedade. Voce tem 360 ou t s zoando tambem?

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There are multiple ways to find guest bgngliog opportunities, Don. Look for a menu item on Guest Posts . If you notice that a blog owner has other guest blog posts, it probably means they are open to the opportunity.You can also contact the owner of any blog you are interested in being featured on to see if they accept guest blog posts. In some cases they will want exclusive content; in others they are okay with reposting something you've published elsewhere. It's a case-by-case basis.There are also guest bgngliog networks of blog owners and writers, so do a Google search for those as well.Remember to stick to YOUR topic. No point in posting on a blog that your target market doesn't see. The reason you want to do a guest post is to get in front of a different market.

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NickAugust 11, 2010Sorry I didn't get Wil Wheaton to bless your new dice. I have a backup plan. I can't say too much, but it ioevlvns a nickel, some tacky glue, and a lens flare. I'll get him this time!As for rituals: back when I was playing a Priest of Sigmar in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (2nd Edition), I used to make a symbol of Sigmar before rolling my dice. Considering the fact that I managed to roll a 01 (a good roll in this case) on a prayer that resulted in my character receiving a magic warhammer just in time for the big battle against some Chaos cultists and their summoned Daemonettes, I think there might be something to it.

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I am not of the frame of localizing crmianil behavior to one's skin color. The social sciences do describe a phenomenon as to poverty and crime stats. Since black population comprise most of the poverty in the state. A discussion about young black men and crime was once a discussion about young Irish men, young Italians, etc. Color makes these dynamics hardeer to escape in a non color blind world However, children raising children is always ill advised social model. Communities tolerating such behavior is also ill advised (and here I am not talking about legal entities). Regardless of skin color maurading young men engaging in ego battles is reserved for the field of play. The choice to turn these youngsters over to their praents was more than fair An opportunity for parents to be parents I think they should take it (them) by the scruff and deal with issues . . .

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