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Sports! Some Famous Football Dudes Clash In SportsNation's Halo 4 Bowl

Archangel Tyrael




NFL players playing a a best out of three game of Halo. A 'Halo Bowl'.


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Grab your remote and throw it out the window; you won't need it tomorrow. SportsNation on ESPN2 Will be airing the first ever Halo Bowl tomorrow at 5 PM EST/2 PM PST. When we said you didn't need your remote, we meant you should probably do something other than watch TV.


Tomorrow is November 1, it's also the day that Victor Cruz, Ramses Barden, and Terrell Thomas of the New York Giants face off against Rob Gronkowski, Wes Welker, and Donald Thomas of the New England Patriots in a best-of-three game of Halo 4.


Check out the action on ESPN2, or jump on Twitter (by using the hashtags #SNHalo4Gronk or #SNHalo4Cruz) and

Facebook for a chance to win some Halo 4 related prizes, like a 320GB Halo 4 Limited Edition Xbox 360 Console, Halo 4 Wireless Headsets, copies of the game, and more.

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mans sure are a sensitive lot. You re in the big leagues now. Fans from all over the US are going to trash talk your team and your city. Best get used to it. September 8, 2008 at 7:40 am 95 Dunkadelic TV says: The Oklahoma City Thunder sounds like a minor league franchise. 41 years ago Seattle came up with the SuperSonics and that was cool all the way back in 1967. Lets see Muhammed Ali was in his prime and Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy was still alive. Here in 2008 thay can t come up with a better name than that with all this technology and so called brain power we have today. Just like they can t make a sitcom any more they are showing they have an even harder time football jerseys cheap coming up with a cool nickname. The Oklahoma City Dunkadlics now thats cool, hip, and more importantly unique in 2008. September 9, 2008 at 3:49 pm 96 12th Man says: Supersonic refers to supersonic jets because of Boeing being in Seattle which has long been a center of the air industry. Don t bash the name if you have no idea what you re talking about. Thunder on the other hand is completely generic and sounds amateurish. Not to mention the logo is a total disgrace as any unbiased sports fan will attest. September 13, 2008 at 11:45 am 97 jason says: i hate it because of the colors and i wish that they have pick 8230. 8230. 8230. Oklahoma City Lighting September 15, 2008 at 12:01 am 98 Dave from Seattle says: You mean Oklahoma City Lighting and Fixture. I think there already is one of those. September 18, 2008 at 12:10 am 99 Ben says: Go Pistons. October 25, 2008 at 1:14 am 100 Mike says: Ross With all the gay talk, it sounds like you might be a little confused sexually. I live in OKC, and it s a wonderful place to live. When the Hornets got here after Katrina, the sucked, but during their time here they became a playoff caliber team, and alot of that came from fan support HERE. Most of the Hornet players, and even cheap soccer jerseys Byron Scott still own a home here, because the love it here, and they will tell you so. Just remember if Seattle had supported the team while it was there, it would still be there. Go Thunder. October 30, 2008 at


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