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Video: SDCC Halo 4 Fiction Panel

Archangel Tyrael

At long last Friday's Halo 4 fiction panel has been posted online. I'll write up a summary tomorrow, but for now here's the video:




A good friend of mine Hylian is currently at San Diego, he was able to get into today Halo 4 panel, here are some of the things he texted me throughout the presentation. The full panel should be up today or tomorrow.

  • Halo trailer premiering in theaters July 29th.
  • Titled "Creating Halo 4" , and it's new.
  • RPG Approach to Mp experience
  • Customize to fit styles
  • get max level cap- reenlist into specializations (sniper, gunner etc)
  • 10 lvl progressions
  • unlock exclusive armor mods, emblems, early access via special edition
  • Classic modes altered
  • Regicide has king
  • Mode specific assassinations.
  • CTF: Knock player down, stab flag through head
  • Oddball: Uppercut with ball
  • Toss the Oddball to teammates
  • Use a pistol while carrying a flag.
  • Player disintegrates midair afterwards with these.
  • Spartan Ops starts November 6th. 50 Missions.
  • Visual Design working on limited edition inspired by USNC Infinity and the Forerunner tech associated with it is, translucent.
  • Working with matching limited edition wireless headset with USNC controller and matching triton headset
  • Definite possibility for remade maps "at least once", none on launch.

*Note: Things can be changed, altered, misunderstood from this.



Frankie commented on pistol flag running via Neogaf: "Flag pistol is about feeling a shade less helpless. In reality it won't be a good idea to engage, even in a team situation but you'll feel more empowered for the run."





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