Welcome all to the 37th 343i Weekly Community Poll!
Last week's community poll asked member's if they were more excited for the remastered edition of Halo 2 on Xbox One or for the release of Halo 5's beta. Here are the results of that poll:
Halo 2 Anniversary! Check out what now silver turned member -Sparky- had to say here:
Halo 2 Multiplayer!
As much as a peek at the latest installment's progress in gameplay and graphics would be nice, I can wait for it, but playing the classic multiplayer... That is way more important to me than Halo 5, to be honest. The campaigns were flawless, matchmaking was an art, and the experience in the games was pure ecstasy, I would not wish to put anything in front of it. We will have enough time for Halo 5 in the future, don't rush it, please, use the new bundle as a buffer so more time can be put in Halo 5's development, I think it needs all the work it can get to be as amazing as the series' pinnacle in Halo 2 and 3.
With last week showing off the Master Chief collection, this week's Community poll couldn't stand to be locked in on one Halo game, so this week's question spans throughout the entire Halo franchise. They've been with Halo since the beginning and change gameplay drastically, but some are just better than the rest, so this week's Community Poll's task is to determine which one is the absolute best. Here is this week's Poll!
What is your favorite vehicle to appear in a Halo game?
Don't forget to leave your thoughts along with your vote in the comments below.
DEADLINE: 6-23-14 @ 6:00 AM EST
Thanks for participating in this week's poll, and
See y'all next week!
Have a question, complaint, or suggestion pertaining to this week's poll? Message BZ1
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