Hello guys thanks for clicking on the Wrapup again, we've had good stuff going on this week so let's get into it!:
Primary Announcement: There is no Primary Announcement. Shocker. I know. Oxymoron. I know.
JX and Fiends (Halo 4 Playdate)
JX and Fiends has been postponed. Find out the new date and time by clicking above and make sure not to miss out! Events are always fun! This is unofficial so you will not be receiving the Gamer Award, HOWEVER it'll be as fun as any other Event and I do not recommend missing out. Thank you JXZAW and ShadowFiend for hosting!
Ninja VS The Forum 2v2 & 3v3 Battle!
Sign up quick because the next Ninja VS The Forum Battle is here and it's a tournament! Doubles teams and 3 man cells join and state whether they would rather play SWAT or Slayer in this upcoming Event. For rules and official dates, click above to find the sign up thread.
Participants in the Ninja VS The Forum Battles get the exclusive Ninja VS The Forum Award:
Here's where our Community Events get real. It's the Golden Oldies vs the New Bloods. Anyone who joined from 2011 - 2012 against anyone who's joined from 2013 - 2014. It's going to be heated and, in my opinion, the old members have the upper hand at the moment. Newer members need to step up and get into this competition and earn some bragging rights! Event by Fishy.
THFE Throwback Weekend
Aw yea! The Halo Forge Epidemic is making this weekend even more epic for us by hooking up with HaloCustoms and hosting several lobbies where they're going to play some of the best customs on some of the best maps back from Halo 3. Find the list of lobbies here.
Everyone who attends Community Events gets the Gamer Award:
Featured Map
This here folks is TRED's 45th made by The Red Eyed Devil. Known for his race tracks, TRED was nice enough to submit this beaut to our map submissions forums. Click above for more stunning images of the map, this overview does not do the map complete justice.
ForgeCafe - Beans By The Barrel
You might be asking right now, 'What the heck does beans by the barrel mean and why is this section called that?' Well I don't know. But it's awesome news. It's a sweet update by the Admin of ForgeCafe, undr zid, about their new site and its future. Peep it by clicking their logo above. You might see an interesting mention in there!
HaloCustoms Gets A Facelift
HaloCustoms has just done some interesting maintenance on their site and it looks nice and new. It's different from their old site that's for sure but it's not drastic so don't be alarmed. They still run on Xenforo and it's still all about the customs and maps. Take a gander by clicking their name above.
Steve Downes Retracts Statements About Halo 2 Anniversary, Microsoft Contacts Gamezone
Just as the title says, Microsoft has contacted Gamezone, the site that did the original interview with Steve Downes when he said something that looked to be confirming Halo 2: Anniversary and asked them to republish what they say he was actually saying. Adam gives you the updated news in his article. Cover up on Microsoft's end? Hmmm.
Xbox One March Update First Look Video
Something beautiful is returning to Xbox Live that we wish it had since the Xbox One came out. Click above to find adam's article containing the video to see all the details! You didn't think I'd make it so easy that you wouldn't have to read his article did you?
Xbox One Media Remote Officially Announced
This pretty thing above is the new Xbox One Media Remote. As if it wasn't easy enough to navigate your Xbox One, Microsoft is releasing this handy gizmo to make it even easier. Read about its features in BZ's article.
This week's Hot Topic is one of the most touching stories I've heard in a very long time and comes to us from xx Femme xx. Femme is not the most active member but she is a fun member of the community here and dropped this little heart melting gem for us during the week. Short and very sweet, read Femme's story. Congratulations to you Femme!
Can you dig the new Top 15 image? I just got it off Google! Credit to Edward Kenway who can't go a single week without making it into the Wrapups for providing me with the last image. Now without further ado, here's your February Top 15:
Caboose the Ace
Death Rhino Ubetrol
Self Destruct
The Dumb Marine
UNSC Spartan II
Vaulting Frog
Yang Xiao Long
Honorable Mentions go to:
Mr. Biggles
and Halo5 follower
Congrats all

The second edition of the Podcast was even better than the first if you can believe that. This week they had special guest Co-Head of Promotions and Events on the site and one of my good friends who is also one of the funniest people I know: D-38 Boss. Listen to the Podcast below and find the Podcast Index by clicking the section title where you will, not could, you will leave a like. And then you can leave your thoughts on either Podcast by clicking their links found in the Index.
You've reached the bottom of the Weekly Site Wrapup. Now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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