The following is a public service announcement from your new Forum President AKA your ruler.
Primary Announcement: Does it bother anyone that the Featured Interviews Section is the same title color as the Hot Topic Section?
Our affiliate site, HaloCustoms, has had a minigame competition going on now for some weeks that is now in the voting process. This is their Minigame Competition Sponsored by GamerModz. For those of you that remember or were involved in the Custom Controller Giveaway, GamerModz was the company in charge of handing out the free customized controller. And that's exactly what the prize is here! Check out some submissions and vote for 1 map in each group
The DGL finals are still going. Your division:
Castle Division:
Drizzy_Dan, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Sarge, SikSlik7, Forum Dinosaur, Hater, Real Talk
If you still want info on the DGL for some reason click the links below:
6/9 - Gazzy Mill Mill played Hater and won 20 kills to 2
6/11 - I went up against Forum Liopleurodon and lost 19 - 18 *sigh*
*Great interviews on the way!*
343 Industries Community Forge Project
SikSlik7's 343i Community Forge Project is a project that lets the members get together and make their own contributions to the maps made. SikSlik explains it all in his thread.
Read and sign up for the CFP
here.Ideas can be discussed in the CFP Idea Discussion thread so post yours
Community Poll: FORGE
WARHOLIC is a name that should be familiar to you all, he was a judge on the panel for the Meet Your Maker Forge Contest. Please check out this poll created by WARHOLIC of The Halo Council on what you would like to see in Halo 5's Forge.
"Halo 5 is currently in production, what better way to let 343 know what we want other than to TELL them?" - WARHOLIC.
Featured Map
Wanna learn how to make these bad boys? Now this isn't really a map that's featured, this is a tutorial by Pol Wah, who's in charge of our Flood Submissions Thread, and it teaches you how to make cool things like submarines and other boats of sorts. Check out his video tutorial
Halo 5
Ok so during E3 everyone saw this teaser for Halo 5. It was indeed confirmed by Xbox on their Twitter that this was Halo 5.

Credit goes to Archangel Tyrael for showing me this photo.
I give what I believe to be a full analysis of the trailer
here. It gets updated when I look at others' analyses and find things.
Here's another analysis of the video by a member of the community named Brett. Read his and find some things that maybe I didn't include.
If you want more than analysis then say no more because Victory Element, one of our previous Members of the Month, hits you with an analysis of the video AND speculation.
Find it here.
But if you're lazy and I hate you then watch it in video form by someone way cooler than me. Check out this video by the awesome Ducain23.

Adamj004 of our site's News Group hit us with a crap ton on Destiny at E3 including gameplay, interviews, and video blogs by the great Deej. There's over an hour of video to go through and if you love what Destiny looks like already then check these videos out if you didn't see them firsthand during E3.
Click here.
Batman: Arkham Origins
Here's a good analysis done by legends in Batman gaming news, BatmanArkhamVideos. It makes connections into the DC Universe and makes good speculation on what's possibly to come in the game. Find this video plus an E3 exclusive Gameplay Demo Walkthrough and interview with WB Montreal Creative Director Eric Holmes
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag looks quite incredible to me. I hope it's not just me. Click this link and watch all the videos I provide and tell me if it looks awesome to you too.
Click here.
'Will PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 Allow for Cross-Platform Gaming?'
Here's a thread from the mind of Absolute Dog that I wrote up to encourage discussion amongst the community. It addresses the rumors going around that gamers playing the same games, no matter which platform, would be able to play together. Read what I and others from the community had to say
Halo: Reach Play Date

This Halo: Reach Play Date was interesting to say the least. I missed out on the beginning but when I got there everyone was in a big lobby with randoms and they were getting them to betray them so that they could boot them out of their own party. Apparently Omega inForce (Jl1223 X/JL X4) recorded the whole thing and put it on YouTube. There was this whole trolling business that JL put together and it was very anti-climactic

GermanShepherdD, -Sparky-, D-38 Boss, Omega inForce, JXZAW, DN2012, Frankenzer
Attend Play Dates, rack up Awards:


The United States of the Forum Presidential Election is always a fun time on the site. The mud slinging and bribery starts and with that comes good campaigning. This year's winner was......
ME! (Drizzy_Dan)
I am the new Forum President so you know what that means? Nothing! It's just a fun time in my opinion and thank you to Spyro for always coming back and running it every 4 months! Now everyone must address me as Sir.
OH MY GOD. That is what I said when I saw this Community Spotlight by Oakley HiDef of The Halo Forge Epidemic. Guys this is going to blow your minds. Oakley spotlights a video maker by the name of Gugga Leunnam. What Gugga does is take CGI clips from Halo Games and puts movie trailer audio over them and does it AMAZINGLY. If you don't like this video then I hate you.
This has been a public service announcement by your Forum President, now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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