Another big week with Spyro's USF Election making a return so let's get into things:
Primary Announcement:

This will be the last time I post this announcement here. Absolute Dog has come in contact with someone at 343industries and they've given us the opportunity to play test for them should you choose to sign up. You will also be getting paid to play test for them. Find the announcement by clicking the picture above.
Destiny Cover Art Revealed Plus Trailer Announcement
Lovely isn't it? The Destiny Cover Art was revealed today and brought to our attention by News Group Member adamj004. Along with this however, Bungie also revealed that there will be a trailer out soon. What's to come? Greatness that's for sure.
Destiny Beta for Pre-Order Customers
Bungie is always good to its fans and that's why if you've been good to them by pre-ordering Destiny, they're going to give you access to the Destiny Beta before its official release. OH YEAAHHH. Announcement by Jester.
The Podcast Crew - Although I only see Muse online anymore of the crew, my first group interview was a very fun and interesting one. The guys that make up the Podcast Crew are some of the funniest members especially if you get them together.
The Meet Your Maker Dominion Forge Contest is over. Each Forger was allowed two submissions this time around. Judging has begun.
Forging The Future
The future of Machinima has arrived! Here is a huge project started by our Art Department's Gryffin in association with THFE and ourselves. He's got a lot of members voice acting for him and we're backing this Machinima 100%. It's about 5 Spartans that get sent to Earth to find Monitors that landed there after Requiem exploded. Tons of work being put into this project. Find out all you need to know, even a debut date, by clicking the banner.
343 Industries Community Forge Project
By this point you should know what the CFP is and if you don't then read about it here.
Post some ideas for our community in the CFP Idea Discussion thread here.
You Will Partake in the Community Forge Project...
Featured Map

Games with Gold October
The free games for the month of October on Xbox Live are:
Magic and Might: Clash of Heroes - a puzzle RPG
Halo 3 - Greatest Halo game ever made and if you're name is Beckoninzebra1 then you are downloading this on the 16th and playing it!
News by adamj!
Snipers Update: The Ark and Opticon

The Fated Fire has announced that he and SaltyKoalaBear's maps will be making it into the next Team Snipers update. His map is The Ark (seen above) and Salty's is Opticon. These are two awesome competitive maps. See all of the screenshots and read the post by The Fated Fire by clicking the screenshot above.
USF Campaign Threads
There is a tie this week because so many topics were hot this week. And the tie goes to all the campaign threads for the USF Election. Read each one here:
Play Dates are DEAD. But Community Events are here to take their place! Help us shape the future of Community Events by telling us when you'll be available! It's A Date!
Like I said earlier, huge turnout for this term's USF Election. The nomination process is over and in the running we have:
D-38 Boss
Maestro The Stampede
Lil Dog
and in our first running dual Presidency: Total Mayh3m & Beckoningzebra1
Just like Rockstar is known for leaving great Easter Eggs in all of their games, Oophilly215oO is known for bringing you great video entertainment through his game playthroughs. This time around he shows you a spooky Easter Egg from GTA V that involves finding a ghost!
Thank you guys for reading.. Now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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