Well originally I wanted to get this out on Saturday but this turned into a busy weekend and so we skipped a weekend but hopefully I didn't skip any beats. Enjoy:
Primary Announcement: I decided to change the way I direct you to links. I tried to provide pictures and hyperlink them for each section and sub-section so I'm not always saying 'Click here! Click here! Find it here!.' It doesn't apply to all the sections however.

I haven't seen a time limit on this so I assume it's still going and I haven't noticed too much activity with it so hopefully this picture will help! Would you like to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Would you like to get paid to test Halo multiplayer for 343 Industries? Remember, click the picture above to find Absolute Dog's announcement.
New Bits of Gameplay
Adamj, the king of the News Group, brought us a really cool video from Bungie and it's got some cool snippets of gameplay in it that might possibly tease at competitive multiplayer! YEAH! I already gave a video so I'll give you a link to adam's thread separately here.
343industries.org and The Halo Forge Epidemic present:

As we all know, The Meet Your Maker Forge Contest is in full swing and it's for the Dominion gametype this time around. Absolute Dog and AbleSir Thomas are certainly part of the judging panel, the rest of whom are unbeknownst to me as of now.
Forgers are encouraged to use
Zan's Map Marker Pack when submitting a map for optimal display of callouts and weapon placements.
Want to test your map for the Meet Your Maker contest? You can join the MYM Test Lobbies hosted every Thursday by AbleSir Thomas.
Click here to join.
For questions that need answers, report here for the
Meet Your Maker Dominion Official Q&A Thread.
343 Industries Community Forge Project
SikSlik7's tyrannical reign as MoM may be over but that doens't mean it's too late to support the Community Forge Project. The 343i Community Forge Project is a project that lets the members get together and make their own contributions to the maps made. SikSlik explains it all in his thread.
Read and sign up for the CFP here.
Ideas can be discussed in the CFP Idea Discussion thread so post yours here.
SikSlik7 has created an account for members to friend in order to join the CFP sessions. Send CFP343i a Friend Request on Xbox Live!
Participate and support the Community Forge Project!
Halo 4 Free Roaming Flood Forge Off
The Halo 4 Free Roaming Flood Forge Off is OVER. We had some submissions on 343i.org not sure about ForgeHub and other sites but here's a little preview of our submissions:
Your judges:
Absolute Dog
Sign up, submit maps, find out prizes, and judging criteria to the contest by clicking the banner above of course.
Halo 4 Global Championship Final Match Sudden Death
A totally intense battle in the Halo 4 Global Championship between Elamite Warrior's brother Ace and the all powerful iGotUrPistola. It brought back good memories to see competition like this in Halo. Watch to see the winner and here's a link to TrulyExclusive's thread.
Xbox One: First TV Commercial
Here's the Xbox One's first television commercial brought to us here by none other than the CooliestRap. Tell him what you think they could've done and what they should've done that could've made it better. Or tell him what you think in general about it in his thread.
Xbox One Release Date Confirmed
The Xbox One's release date has been confirmed by many across the net. I'm not going to tell you here if you don't know already because I actually want you to visit adamj's article. That's why he makes them. I hope you know what to click to find the article by this point in the Wrapup.
PS4 Release Date Also Confirmed
The PlayStation 4's release date has also been announced. I won't tell you here so you can read Absolute Dog's article. I'll give you a hint: it comes out before the Xbox One!
Halo Command - Browser Based Halo Strategy/RPG/Text Based Game

Started by a member by the name of Glitch100, Halo Command will be a browser based Halo game involving the aspects of Strategy/RPG/TBRPGs which is what makes it very interesting. I support Halo Command because it's just another step towards bringing back the love for the Halo Universe itself and not just the games and multiplayer which is what everyone's been focusing on since Halo 4 came out. This may not be an official 343 game but it is something to look into. Click the picture to get linked to the Halo Command thread.
September's Member of the Month is a very avid Forger. Coming from Forge Cafe, Zandril is a huge Forge enthusiast and it is his favorite thing about Halo. I'll remind you again that the link to his announcement thread can be found by using the picture now. And please, DO congratulate him. He's a great member and Forger.
PS. Yes that is the picture that was used when announcing BZ as June's MoM.

I'm trying to make Play Dates come back NEXT SATURDAY. That is the Saturday after this one coming up. I'm going to try to make it a special event and not just some games on one of the Halos. Keep your eyes PEELED!
Halo 4 Pan-Cam Feature!
Quite a find by a member by the name of Brett on our site. I've used Brett's video's before in the Wrapup so his name might be familiar to some of you whether it's from seeing it here or watching his videos when he posts them himself. Anyway, the pan-cam feature is pretty awesome. It's only accessible through Theater mode. Just watch that video and leave it a like and maybe comment and tell Brett how much you liked it here.
Wrapup concluded. Now scroll back up and read it all over again.
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