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Battlefield: Hardline Beta played by 6 million people

Unease Peanut

With the Battlefield: Hardline Beta coming to its end, EA released a report stating that it has been played by more than 6 million people!


Needles to say the producer of Hardline and head of Visceral Steve Papoutsis is thrilled that so many people have given the beta a go and reported their feedback on their forums. He assures us even though the final release date is merely 5 weeks away that our feedback for the beta is being processed and implemented in the game.



"Now, I know what you’re asking yourself. We’re just five weeks away from the launch ofBattlefield Hardline, how could we possibly be acting on that feedback? Well,I can assure you we are. In fact, we’ve already been prioritizing changes for things fans are talking about. So you’ve still got a chance to be heard."

~Steve Papoutsis


With this staggering amount of people playing this beta it beats the former record holder Destiny, which had around 4,6 million people playing at its time and was the biggest beta on the new generation consoles, by a longshot. Though it should be noted that the Destiny Beta did not release on PC.


The beta ends tonight, which is the 9th of February, 9PM PST. So if you haven't tried this out yet or want a few more hours in, this is your chance. And don't forget to provide your feedback, even now!


The full game becomes available the 19th of March this year for the PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 and Playstation 3.


What was your opinion on the beta, and has it gotten you convinced to buy the game?

Let us know down below!

Thank you for reading! :D





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