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Black Op's II Currently Holds Top Place On XBL Charts




It appears Black OPS II currently holds the top of the charts for most played game on Xbox Live.


Read below for more deatils.


Source: Game Informer



As expected, Halo 4's reign at the top spot on Xbox Live activity charts was short lived. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 took over when it released on November 13.


The top 20 below is activity through November 19 per Major Nelson:


Call of Duty: Black Ops II

Halo 4

Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

EA Sports FIFA Soccer 13

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Assassin’s Creed III

NBA 2K13

Modern Warfare 2

Madden NFL 13

Battlefield 3

Borderlands 2



Halo: Reach

Gears of War 3


Forza Motorsport 4

Hitman: Absolution

Forza Horizon

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Halo 4 Multiplayer is pretty bad overall, instaspawn nd random weapon spawn is probably the dumbest thing I could possibly think of to put into a game like Halo..

Halo 3 was better in everyway and so was Halo 2.

So long Halo.

Actually it the spawning isn't bad at all when you get used to it, i really hate it when people diss a game for not being like its older counterparts and then turn around and say its too much like the older ones. make up your mind, if you think halo 3 is better than go play halo 3, but don't call halo 4 a bad game just because its not exactly like halo 3. And as for the halo franchise, its doing just fine, sure halo 4 didn't meet all the expectations that people hoped for (neither did reach) but it reached all the important ones.

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I am saying that it is too different..

you can hardly call Halo 4 a Halo game at all.

I am only saying that they should of made the game more like Halo 2 or 3 instead of more like Reach and CoD.

They shouldn't of changed so much so fast, they ended up tripping on their faces.. pretty much all I am getting at.

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If you think otherwise.. then why is there like no one playing Halo 4?


As one dude said earlier.. there are less people playing halo 4 within like week then Halo 3 in a year,

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Actually it the spawning isn't bad at all when you get used to it, i really hate it when people diss a game for not being like its older counterparts and then turn around and say its too much like the older ones. make up your mind, if you think halo 3 is better than go play halo 3, but don't call halo 4 a bad game just because its not exactly like halo 3. And as for the halo franchise, its doing just fine, sure halo 4 didn't meet all the expectations that people hoped for (neither did reach) but it reached all the important ones.


we won't be able to play halo 3 online forever because they will eventually shut down the servers, which i think that that is absolutely wrong so every true halo fan needs to play halo 3 while the servers are still up and not play halo 4 because those servers will be up a really long time.

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I do miss the competitive-ness of Halo 3, but I do enjoy the updated graphics and the story of 4. As for the "armor abilities", i equip them; then promptly forget that I have them. We all know how armor lock worked out in Reach. Use, wait, throw, die... The sprint I don't mind, means I can get back to the front faster. Please for god sake, return the kill based matches, this point stuff sucks.

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Was a big Halo3 fan. Was an even bigger Halo Reach fan. Halo 4 is an ok game, but it's missing something that made previous Halo's great games. After 2 weeks of playing 4, I went back and bought a copy of Reach. Will probably keep playing both.


Love the Campaign. Definitely Halo worthy!


Love Spartan Ops.


Love the new weapons.


Multiplayer is just not the same. Took a couple steps backwards in my opinion, but hasn't completely lost me. (although for a second I was going to make the switch to COD: BO2, but I didn't like it).


Probably should have not done the random weapon drops and instant re-spawns (sorry 343... I became a "Victory Croucher") b/c it makes it hard to see who to get revenge on and which teammate may need help b/c they're engaged in the battle that you just got killed in.


Halo has previously been about Map control and Weapon control. Competively, I got "charged up" on the inside when I tried to stop the opposing team from map control and weapon control. It's not about that anymore.


There's not that many small competitive maps for multiplayer.


I do like the class system.


I give it 7/10.


Needs work 343... I'm just sayin.....

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Ok I've read what most people have said, and the fact that people state "Halo 4 has a great storyline why is it not ranked #1"...Well for 1 people don't all think Halo 4's story was all that, and 2 a campaign story can only go so far, if that was the case everyone can "rent" the game beat it and return it.


As many have said the MULTIPLAYER is what will keep people around and active, Halo 2 + 3 pretty much made MLG as popular as it had been and that is what I started playing on xbox live. Some guy said Bungie screwed 343 with those pre released games (ODST, Halo Wars) Well after ODST I was looking forward to Reach then I played it saw a armor ability and got off, many said "This is not Halo" and from that point I had started playing Cod MW2.


Black Ops 2 currently in my opinion is better than Halo 4. I am more of a halo fan that's for sure but I am not being biased at all. Cod is doing what Cod normally does. Halo came out too similar to Cod and still like reach. It didn't have the halo touch which kept people on it. The 1-50 ranking system. People strived to build up continously getting general ranked etc.


Just saying not many people want another exp based game franchise. Cod already started that Not going to play a franchise I admired to only realize it's more like another franchise (COD).

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I like Halo a lot more than CoD personally. CoD has slipped down from being remotely realistic to nonsensical-superhero-farce-shooter. At least with a total sci-fi, there can be some relative suspension of disbelief when you're a genetically-modified, power-armour-augmented soldier who fights aliens on a daily basis. Not so much when you're just an ordinary soldier who runs around with a rainbow-coloured peashooter into a battleground that has absolutely no established frontlines.


But hey, one day the annual CoD cloning will run its due course and people will be sick of the frequency at which it's released. And when that happens, I very much doubt that CoD will be in any shape to recover from it in any period short of a decade. A shame really, because CoD was actually a pretty good franchise for a while. until it turned into the steaming pile of faeces that it is today.

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What are u on about CODB 2 is **** halo 4 is way better and it has better weopns cod is **** house its story line is soo bad it doesnt make sense half the time and with you cant drive any vechicals and the maps are so small and halos multiplayer is so cool you are so wrong i bet you havent even played halo you got a **** in your brain thinking COD is the best and this is a halo forum gtfo you ***.

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I play the heck out of HALO 4. Halo will always be the best game out there. So what it if you have to unlock guns and customize loadouts like "CoD", that doesn't mean Halo 4 is a CoD game. You have more freedom in Halo than you do in a CoD game. You can get the most fun and excitement in Halo than CoD (Fails of The Week proves my point).


I do play cod somewhat, but only when i play the game will one of my best friends. There are nothing but try hards and dumb kids on CoD. I don't have a problem with some kids, only the ones who want to act "cool". Other than that CoD is Fine. CoD and Halo deserve ( in all respect ) to be on the top of the most played games, but halo deserves to be on the top of all the games.

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I don't care about how many people are playing CoD. What I do care about is why Halo has lost it's touch. There are fewer people playing H4 after a few weeks then in H3 after a year.

I am pretty sure that's mainly because both HR and H4 don't have a skill based ranking system ( I know H4 has a system coming up and we will have to wait and see).


funny how all the casual players stil hate the level skill based ranking system, yet they don't see the benefits it brings with it. without it a game is as good as dead after a few weeks. Remake halo 2 imo.

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wow halo fan boys are idiots and it would appear that 343i idea to rip features out of cod did more to alienate past halo fans more than boost the population One of the largest draws imo halo HAD was the fact it rewarded players for being good and having knowledge of the game mechanics and maps. But for whatever reason 343i went into halo4 with the idea that they needed to close the skill gap between seasoned players and new players which again imo made the game very "unfun" to play. pods, rods, and instant spawns is dumb crap to appeal to causal players but sadly even that garbage missed the mark. yes halo is moving "forward" but ffs its not a new game, don't change core mechanics that make halo halo.


on a side note it takes 12 seconds for a weapon to despawn after you kill a player. This is to help keep the maps less cluttered of power weapons and is working as intended but ffs did you clowns really not get that maybe pods weren't a good idea...

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