An Interesting part from the destiny presentation at GDC was that the player will be able to choose from different races. Besides being a human there are 2 others that are selectable when customizing your character they are "Awoken and "Exo. Bungie describes the awoken as exotic, beautiful and mysterious beings and they said they look to ghosts, angels and vampires to capture the feel of this race. the Exo, which bungies describes as sinister, powerful, and tireless beings they said the looked to famous characters such as the terminator, the undead and their very own master chief to capure the feel of the Exo race.
Here is a picture of these races.

As the humans have different classes (hunter, titan and warlock) I'm pretty sure the awoken and exo will each feature their own classes to choose from.
So from the pictures and the descriptions bungie gave which race do you like best at the moment?
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