A bungie.net user BadgerDeluxe spotted some unnoticed art from Bungies next game Destiny at the Sony PS4 presentation. I assume these have gone unnoticed by the majority of the community as I have never seen these posted before or seen any one discuss them. Now the they aren't the best quality but they do open the window to Destiny's world a little more.
Check them out below.
First up is this one, what we can see here is some kind of pillar or watch tower, I'm getting the feeling of a human presence from this image as to me the structure seems to have a human architectural look to it. The tower seems to watch over a deserted and dead piece of landscape with what it looks like the sun is taking up the entire horizon. Maybe this was a human colony world that the human once inhabited I'm guessing this could be Mercury which it is the planet that is the closest to the Sun and as it appears the Sun is massive in this image.

Here is the next image this looks to be one of the walls that surrounds the last city on Earth as it is very similar to structures that can be seen in earlier reveals and which was said to be a wall surrounding of the city.

In this image we have a human warrior (a guardian) that is encountering creatures that are currently called "space zombies" the human appears to be carrying out an attack towards them and it appears that he or she possess some kind of power as a streak of light it shooting from their hand and seems to tell us that the player will have some kind of power to use as a defensive move.

In this image we can see a night time stage and a human soldier approaches a building (assuming an enemy occupied area) from a wooded environment. This could be showing us that we will engage in stealth missions.

There isn't much to tell with this image, it appears that another guardian is battling of an enemy alien that appears to be a part of the Fallen faction.

And the final image again seems to feature the Fallen but the character that it mainly focuses on seems to be a high ranking figure or possibly a leader within the faction as it's dressing and it's bodily actions seems to show that it is giving orders and shows superiority.

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