Titanfall's Beta has been out since Valentine's day but there is still a lot to uncover.

Titanfall has had a few exciting weeks with all of the praise that the beta is getting, but there is still more to learn that lies just beneath the surface.
Reddit user FallenFusion has leaked some behind the scene images of this upcoming Respawn Entertainment Title.
He shows us four new aspects that the common population still has yet to see; Zipline, Generations, Pilot Hunter, and Turrets.
Pilot Hunter is the game mode that was released with the beta, but we finally get a description of what that game mode is:
Kill the enemy team’s Pilots to reach the score limit and win—one point is awarded for each Pilot killed. Although killing Grunts and Spectres in this mode will not earn points towards your team’s score, doing so will still give you build time reductions on your replacement Titans and Titan Core Ability.
Turrets will be able to destroy anything including Titans. They are often in very urban areas such as onto of building, and will have an incredible range of motion. They can also be switched to fight for the other team when nearby consoles are compromised.
Generations is something that we already know a little about thanks to another reddit user named RazorUK. But we finally got a screenshot to further our understanding. Click Here
Ziplines travel both ways up and down. Just hold the reload button to latch on and ride.

Source: Reddit.com
Thanks to Yang Xaio Long for pointing me to this article.
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