The Master Chief Collection game manual was posted online today on xboxlive.com, and included a full list of all the MCC Skulls, and Halo 2: Anniversary Skulls. There's also some other information I'll touch on... but first we'll start with Skulls:
- All the skulls from the previous games are making a return.
- The original skulls in Halo 2 are still there.
- 2 of the Skulls in H2A are not unlocked in the Campaign. Their requirements are in the Skull list below.
- The Grunt Funeral skull is not hidden in CE since it was pre-order DLC, and therefore does not have an achievement tied to it. It also seems that Grunt Funeral will be unlocked from the start.
- Most skulls spanning across Halo: CE, 2, and 3 will unlock achievements once found. Halo 4 has no skull finding achievements (since there's no skulls hidden in it's campaign).
- All the Halo 3, and Halo 4 Skulls are unlocked from the start. The Halo 3 skulls are still hidden in the Campaign.
- You can now toggle Halo 4 skulls in Spartan Ops.
All the Master Chief Collection Skulls:
Bandanna: Infinite ammo and grenades. Where's the bandanna? Under your helmet of course.
Black Eye: Your shields will only recharge after you melee an enemy. Why? Magnets.
Boom: The damage radius of explosives is doubled. This also affects chain-reaction explosions!
Eye Patch: Aim assist is disabled for all weapons. You'll miss it when it's gone.
Famine: Dropped weapons have half the ammunition. The Feast Skull was cut.
Fog: Your motion tracker is disabled.
Foreign: You cannot pick up or use Covenant weapons.
Grunt Birthday Party: Landing a headshot on Grunts will release confetti, cheers, and invisible rainbows.
Grunt Funeral: Grunt bodies explode like a Plasma Grenade. Methane + ? = Boom.
Iron: Dying in solo play forces you to restart from the beginning of the level. In co-op, if any player dies you all are sent back to the last saved checkpoint. May result in damaged friendships.
Malfunction: A HUD element will disappear at every respawn.
Mythic: All Covenant enemies have twice the health, and Sentinels are given energy shields.
Pinata: Punching enemies will cause grenades to drop. Don't think too much about where they were stored.
Recession: Every shot uses two ammo. It's simple Halonomics.
Anger: Enemies fire weapons much more aggressively. The Covenant discovered they have infinite ammo, and they want to show off.
Assassins: All enemies are cloaked. Covenant Ninja Academy, class of 2552.
Bandana: Unlimited ammo and grenades. You must wear a bandana in real life.
Blind: Your HUD disappears and your weapon does not display. The perils of being made by the lowest bidder.
Boom: All explosion physics impulses are increased. Glorious science!
Black Eye: Your shields will only recharge after you melee an enemy. Perk up your shield’s spirit by dispensing two-fisted cyborg justice.
Catch: Enemies throw more grenades. Down in front!
Envy: The Chief has Active Camo and the Arbiter gets a flashlight. Not fair!
Eye Patch: Disables auto-aim. We recommend adjusting your controller sensitivity.
Famine: Dropped weapons have significantly less ammo. Budget cuts.
Feather: All melee strikes impart additional force. Pow!
Fog: Your motion tracker is disabled. Keep your eyes sharp.
Foreign: You cannot pick up Covenant weapons. Union rules.
Ghost: Allies and enemies no longer flinch, meaning they shoot more often. No pain, firepower gain.
Grunt Birthday Party: Grunt headshots release party favors. ‘Nuff said.
Grunt Funeral: Grunts explode after death. Oh, the humanity!
Iron: Don’t die. Playing solo you have to start the mission over. In co-op you’re all sent back to the last checkpoint.
IWHBYD: Rare dialog is more common, and vice versa. Did he really just say that?
Jacked: You can only pilot a vehicle by hijacking it. Video games made you do it.
Malfunction: Each death removes a random element of your HUD. You didn’t want that shield indicator anyways … right?
Masterblaster (Co-Op Only): One player has recharging overshields and can only melee. The second player has no shields, but infinite ammo. Roles switch after a random number of kills. Who runs Mombasa-town?
Mythic: Enemies have increased health and shields. Covenant forces have been bulking up.
Pinata: Enemies drop a plasma grenade when you hit them with a melee attack. Smack, shield crack, and grenade pop.
Prophet Birthday Party: Every smack to the Prophet of Regret’s face is accompanied by epic Steve Vai guitar licks and lightning bolts.
Recession: Every shot uses two ammo. The ammo usage has been altered, pray we don’t alter it further.
Scarab: All player-held weapons fire the Scarab Gun beam.
Scarab is unlocked when you find all the original Halo 2 Skulls.
So ... Angry …: Enraged Brutes will explode shortly after enraging. The secret is, they’re always angry.
Sputnik: Mass of all objects is reduced. Combine with Boom and Feather for maximum enjoyment.
Straking: Your shields constantly decay, but recharge a bit after each enemy kill. There’s an invisible energy vampire stuck on your back. His name is Ed.
Swarm: Let go my golo! Hunters are even more robust and deal extra damage with attacks.
Swarm is unlocked after you watch all five episodes of Halo: Nightfall on the Halo Channel and complete the associated challenges.
That’s Just … Wrong: Enemies have a cyborg-detecting sixth sense.
They Come Back: Infection Forms that reanimate a corpse are much stronger than normal. Clean up any bodies before that happens.
Thunderstorm: Field promotions for every enemy in the Chief’s path. So who’s ready for LASO now?!
Black Eye: Your shields will only recharge after you melee an enemy.
Blind: Your HUD display is disabled. Count your bullets.
Catch: Friends and foes throw - and drop - more grenades. You've been warned.
Cowbell: Physics impulse of melee and explosions is increased. You wanted more, you got it.
Famine: Dropped weapons have half the ammunition.
Fog: Your motion tracker is disabled.
Grunt Birthday Party: Landing a headshot on Grunts with a precision weapon reveals their skull contained confetti and cheers. Hurray!
Iron: Dying in solo play forces you to restart from the beginning of the level. In co-op, if any player dies you all are sent back to the last saved checkpoint.
IWHBYD: Rare dialog is more common, and vice versa. Some things just can't be un-heard . . .
Mythic: All Covenant enemies have twice the health and shields.
Thunderstorm: Enemies are promoted to the highest rank. You'll also encounter more shields on Flood Elites and Sentinels.
Tilt: Enemy resistances and weaknesses are amplified. For example, shields and armor take more damage from plasma, but are further hardened against projectiles.
Tough Luck: Enemies will evade grenades and projectile attacks more skillfully. Brutes and Grunts are significantly more reckless when their backs are to the wall.
Black Eye: Shields don't recharge unless you melee enemies. Biff! Kapow!
Blind: Your HUD display is disabled, and your first-person arms and weapons are invisible.
Catch: Enemies throw more grenades. Take cover!
Cloud: Your motion tracker is disabled.
Cowbell: The force of explosions is increased.
Famine: Dropped weapons have half the ammunition.
Grunt Birthday Party: Headshotting hapless Grunts results in a HAPPY BOOM TIME!
Iron: Solo - Restart mission on death. Co-Op - Back to previous checkpoint on death.
IWHBYD: Rare combat dialog is more common.
Mythic: All enemies have increased health.
Thunderstorm: Enemies are promoted to the highest rank. Specialists, such as Rangers and Zealots, are not promoted.
Tilt: Resistances and weaknesses are amplified for yourself and enemies.
Tough Luck: Enemies will never flee, will berserk at the slightest aspersion to their parentage, and dodge projectiles with the greatest of ease.
Miscellaneous information from the Game Manual:
- Specializations for Halo 4 are gone.
- All 5 Loadouts, and Loadout items for Halo 4 are unlocked from the start. Specialization Loadout Perk exclusive items are also unlocked.
- It is currently unknown what will become of the Specialization exclusive Armor, and Weapon Skins.
- The 3 add-on Perks for Halo 4 don't seem to be included from the start.
- Theater is only available for Halo 2: Anniversary (I'm not sure if it's fully there for H2A), Halo 3, and Halo 4 (though the availability to each of those games is questionable). Theater is not in Halo: CE or Halo 2.
- Theater clips cannot be permanently saved to your File Share. You can save clips using Xbox DVR.
- The number of people who can be in a Forge game at a time is maxed at 8.
- A popup to download the Halo Channel app may appear the first time you watch Halo: Nightfall, but it's unknown if you need the app to watch the show.
- Subtitles for all the games can be toggled on or off.
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Sources: XboxLive.com, Halo4Nation
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