One of the main questions that have been buzzing around while we await to get out first main look at the next gen consoles is what will the next gen xbox and playstation's graphics will be like? Well we won't have to wait too long as E3 is on the horizon but in the mean time Ubisoft has given their view on what to expect.
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In the June 2013 issue of Game Informer, Mallat discussed in an interview that Sony and Microsoft’s next-generation consoles – PS4 and the Next Xbox, Xbox 720, Durango or whatever you like to call it – will “blow us away” with their visuals. Although the graphics will be impressive, he believes these systems offer more than solely stunning visuals.
"I think minds will be blown by the graphics as a hook, as an entry door," stated Mallat, but continued to share that there is more to these consoles than graphics.
One of the greatest benefits the next-generation brings is freedom to developers.
"I think that amount of power gives a lot of freedom to our creators and then it's up to them to tailor and tame that power to what suits the game the best."
"To me, what's lying beneath that or beyond that will keep our players involved. When you think about that, even on current generation systems it always takes some time for developers to tame the machine - especially the PlayStation 3."
As Sony has demonstrated, social interaction will play a pivotal role in the PS4’s online infrastructure. Mallat believes social interaction and connectivity will be what makes these system a true next-generation experience.
"This time we may see creating amazing games on the visual side of things very quickly," said Mallat, "but to me the social complement and connected thing will be the next-gen experience compared to the current generation system.”
"That being said, you'll be blown away by graphics."
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