The Next Gen Xbox has a demo at Square Enix and has revealed some footage of how the graphics, lighting and motion will look like. Below are some very well detailed images of video game characters and a video showing off some light and movement activity as a demonstration.
This article and images are from Examiner.

The Xbox 720 will receive some impressive tech from gaming's developers and among that will be the Luminous Engine from Square Enix, which has just released its newest demo.
According to a report from Siliconera on Monday, a brand-new demo for Square Enix's Luminous Engine has been released and it is just as impressive as the others that have been revealed up until now.
Given the potential and power the Luminous Engine has, hopefully Square Enix will return to making profits in the console space because it would be a shame to lose such a talented contributor.
Square recently talked about some of the struggles they have had in the console space.
"During the nine-month period ended December 31, 2012, the Company has not recovered the operating loss posted in the six-month period ended September 30, 2012.
"[This is] primarily due to the increasingly difficult condition of the world-wide console game market, under which the Group is struggling to achieve a fair expected return on its investment.
"On the other hand, content for other platforms such as PCs, smartphones and SNS such as 'Sengoku Ixa,' a browser game, and 'Final Fantasy Brigade,' a social networking game for Mobage, are generating an acceptable profit.
"In addition, newly released game titles, such as 'Kaku-San-Sei Million Arthur,' a social networking game released in April, 2012 serving more than 1 million registered users, have been expanding at a satisfactory pace.
"Registered users of Final Fantasy Artniks,' a social networking game released in November, 2012 for Gree, exceeded 1 million at the end of December, 2012," Square said.

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