With the excitement and anticipation from the reveal of Bungies next game on Sunday some people might find their mood to be dampened as activision have announced that Destiny will not have a 2013 release. They said it will be coming out in 2014 but have not said when, it is a safe bet it could be within Q1 or Q2 of 2014 but nothing is for sure yet. Read below for more details.
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Activision has warned not to expect Bungie's Destiny in 2013.
"Although Bungie's amazing new world was revealed today, Activision has not included the launch in its 2013 outlook and there should be no speculation or expectation of a different result," said the publisher today in a statement.
Destiny is scheduled to be released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and all future console platforms, with the new Xbox and PlayStation expected on shop shelves before the end of the year. This means it is unlikely Destiny will be a next-gen launch title.
Destiny is billing itself a "shared-world shooter" in an always-connected world. Players assume the roles of Guardians in the last safe city on Earth. Bungie has yet to release any in-game footage of the game.
"For all the unknowns, Destiny still feels very much like the product of Bungie," said GameSpot's Shaun McInnis after glancing a first look at the game last week. "More specifically, it feels like Bungie taking what they've done well over the years and moving in a new direction, with new technology, toward something well beyond Halo. I know I can't wait to see what else Destiny is."
Other sources regarding the delay
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