have come together to host a forge contest.
"Meet Your Maker"
Contest begins Saturday February 9th 2013
Final submissions cut off at 12:00AM EST March 9th 2013
"Wake up, it’s time to Forge"
Map Submission Parameters
The contest will have the following parameters
-4 v 4 slayer map
-compatible with Halo 4’s Infinity Slayer (including ordinance drops)
-dynamic lighting must still be functioning
-no significant frame rate issues
-no modded content allowed
-one map submission per person
-multiple people can work on a single map
-maps can have been made at any point
Prizes for the contest
-Top winning map maker will be featured on THFE’s and Ducain23’s YouTube channels and become a Showcase Map at 343 Industries Community Forum, meet the judges for a discussion of their map also broadcast via YouTube, receive a DLC code DLC 2 or DLC 3, and a signed poster of map art by Certain Affinity staff
-The Two Follow Up winners will have their maps video reviewed by THFE and Ducain23, receive a judges review of their map and DLC 2 code.
Varying prizes offered throughout contest!
Managing the contest
343i.org will present the submission thread for the contest on their forum as well as house all the relative GT's, map images/videos, descriptions and links.
-Map submissions @
343i.org must include a map title, the gamer tag under whose files share we can find the map, a description of the map. images or screen shots and any narrative the forger wishes to include about their inspiration for the map or story behind it forge ideal.
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