It has been reported that at least 4 brand new titles will be released for the next gen xbox but they might not be released when the next xbox is released but perhaps at some point after. More details below.
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"Halo", "Gears of War", "Fable" and "Forza Motorsport" have been staples for the Xbox 360 and at least three of those are assured to return next-gen with the release of the next Xbox. Microsoft has been criticized in the past for not having original and exclusive titles for its consoles but a Microsoft Product Manager resume discovered Friday confirms that there are at least four all new intellectual properties (IPs) coming.
Jonathan Brown is the current Senior Product Manager/Product Planner for Microsoft's Vancouver Studios which was renamed to Black Tusk Studios last November. In his LinkedIn resume he wrote, "I have been the primary product manager on four unannounced new IP and have been a key contributor to bringing these IP from the very early concept phase through green light to production."
In an interview with The Vancouver Sun last year, studio head Mike Crump said, "[W]e are working on Microsoft’s next big entertainment franchise. We’re not working on an existing franchise, we’re looking to build the next 'Halo' here in Vancouver, for example, which is really exciting. We are building something from the ground up.”
That distinction is important as it shows that Microsoft is working on AAA franchises and not just Kinect games which have been received poorly by 'core' gamers. Other studios with unannounced projects include Microsoft Studios - Log Angeles, Platform Next Studios, Playful Learning, Skybox Sports, Lionhead Studios, Lift London, Press Play, and Microsoft Victoria Studios. Some of these studios could be working on PC only titles or Windows Phone 8 games as well.
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