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Everything posted by Twam

  1.  Twam

    E3 2013

  2. Any connection problems people have been having should be all fixed now :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Gives Twam a slice of pizza.......

    3. BeckoningZebra1


      That's great news! This morning I was like NO! 343icf won't load

    4. Iɴsɪɢɴɪᴀ


      Thanks twam! Connection has been horrible!!!

  3. Step 1 done, the Drive has been added So some time during our off peak hours i will be transferring all our data from our Current/Old/Malfunctioning Drive to the new one that has just been added. Then again some time after that the faulty drive will be removed.
  4. Well first step is going to be done today, to have the smallest amount of downtime im actually planning 3 downtime's. Instead of doing it all at once the first downtime will just be adding a new drive while leaving the current one in which should only take a matter of miniutes to shutdown the server add a new drive then boot back up. Then at a later time/date (off peak hours) mitigate all the data from 1 drive to the other (this will take the longest amount of time), then again at a later time/date shutdown the server to remove the old HDD which should only take a couple miniutes. So the first step should happen within the next couple hours.
  5. We are 2 years old today :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Percy Jackson

      Percy Jackson

      Even if it was yesterday but its better late than never. lol

    3. Silent Orbis
    4. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      that is cool. happy late birthday!!!!!! 343i!!!!!! I've been on here for about a year and a half now

  6. Greetings all , Unfortunately it seems that one of our Hard Drives are on it's way out and is in need of being replaced. I am unable to give any exact times but can definitely say that this drive will be replaced ASAP. Rest assured all our your information (Posts, Shouts, Uploads, etc...) is all safe and not even stored on the malfunctioning drive. My temporarily hot fix should prevent any issues until the drive is replaced but just wanted to post this to keep everyone informed or any possible downtime. Twam
  7. I was away from home and we have seem to be having some technical issues... Working on them now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy


      Wondering why nothing was happening. lol

    3. Church


      Cool, thanks!

    4. Iɴsɪɢɴɪᴀ


      Good to hear! Strangely, given the fact my internet sucks, I didn't seem to be experiencing them as bad as everyone else.


  8. The main part of the update has been complete, there are still some minor bugs and missing features that will be re added.
  9. Greetings All, Over the next couple days we will be preforming forum maintenance/updates, most of which will be conducted during the off peak hours when we are the least active. Throughout parts of this process we will be placing the forums into offline mode and temporarily forwarding all traffic to our maintenance page. I just wanted to keep everyone informed and updated. Twam
  10. Pretty sure Maps are not getting released til Monday. Until then your download will probably go something like this 1-97%...98%...99%...0%...97%...98%...99%..."Cannot download Majestic map pack".
  11.  Twam


    From the album: 343i Logos

  12.  Twam


    From the album: 343i Logos

  13. Rough work night but things are finally starting to look up for this specific project :D

    1. SykoWolf


      Yay...well I hope all goes well Twammy Bear ;)

    2. Sarge


      ^ Twammy bear?!?!

    3. Vaulting♥Frog


      Sounds like things are running smooth. Glad to hear it.

  14. Updated 28/01/2013 Dedicated Members are now able to edit their own Member Titles.
  15. Made a pretty noob mistake... Must be time for sleep or more coffee ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. A71william
    3. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Happens to the best of us, lol! :)

    4. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Okay.....why are there dancing anime cheerleaders all over the ACP......"TWAM!".


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