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Everything posted by Twam

  1. Work is fun.

    1. SykoWolf
    2. Azaxx


      Request you to make a sequel to that warthog game you made a while back while working ;)

  2. The 343industries.org and 343industries.info domains were purchased on May 29, 2010, the domains stayed inactive for almost a year until March 25, 2011 at 7:25AM EST. The 343i.org domain was purchased September 12, 2011.
  3. Planning on doing a minor server update tonight at some point.

  4. From what you have said above if seems that you are under the impression that i am unaware of the happenings that go on within the forums on a daily basis or that i have no input in any decision making. I can assure you that you have your facts wrong, I have had a great deal of input into all the major decision making including each of the separate cases you described in your main post. Not only that but i agree with the actions taken. It's so unfortunate to see that the facts have been so skewed from the real truth. Twam
  5. Time for work once again... I need a coffee

    1. SykoWolf


      Your social this time for some reason...Well...Drink up and get to work :3

    2. Azaxx


      No, maple syrup :)

  6.  Twam


    From the album: 343i Logos

  7. Bed time for Twam

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Nighty night.

      Or as you like.... NiNi :3

    3. A71william


      Don't forget to set an alarm.


    4. Zelda
  8. Nice job, we hit 200k total today too.
  9.  Twam

    xmas 3

    From the album: 343i Logos

  10.  Twam

    xmas 2

    From the album: 343i Logos

  11.  Twam

    xmas 1

    From the album: 343i Logos

  12. Everything appears to have gone exactly as planned, our Databases are now located on our SSD.
  13. Reading this thread and all the replies makes me realize i was right to add the :hug: smiley.
  14. Staff Response Everything appears to have gone exactly as planned, our Databases are now located on our SSD. Hello all, If you read our previous webserver upgrade topic you know that we have installed a new 120GB SSD into this server. Now comes the task of moving the databases from their current location on the Hard Drive to their new home on the SSD. We are planning on doing this around 4PM Central Today (Tuesday, December 4th). During this process we will be turning the forums offline and directing all traffic to a temporary holding page. This is required to ensure that no new content is added during the synchronization process. We're expecting this to only take around 10 minutes if all goes to plan. Twam
  15. Just an update on this, due to certain circumstances the upgrade did not take place yesterday. Normally work is not done on the weekends but since we had this booked for yesterday and the reasons for it not happening were out of our control the Datacenter has agreed to get someone to install this for us today. I haven't been given an exact time but sometime within the next few hours. Twam ***UPDATE The SSD has been successfully installed, over the next few days i will start moving over the databases and all the files.
  16. 343i.org Webserver Upgrade Information http://343i.org/wu

  17. Staff Response The SSD had been installed successfully. Greetings all Later today we will be preforming a web server upgrade, Specifically we will be adding a new 120GB SSD to this machine. For an upgrade like this im expecting a maximum amount of 20 minutes of downtime to properly shutdown the server then partition, format, and mount the drive. I have my technician at the Datacenter booked for 6:30 MST but if anything opens in his schedule it might be sooner. Just wanted to make this thread to inform everyone. Thanks Twam
  18. Tasty, tasty, bandwidth...

    1. Azaxx


      So that's the problem. Since you're eating we suffer the lag...

    2.  Twam
    3. Azaxx
  19. From the album: Forward unto Dawn

    After a terrifying night of combat and loss, Lasky makes a life-or-death decision to help the Master Chief... but will it be enough to save them all from the Covenant? Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn - Part 5 (Live-Action Halo Series) - The Series Finale

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