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Everything posted by Twam

  1. Updated the Shoutbox, let me know if you notice anything wrong.

    1. Azaxx


      The @ annoys me, so therefore its wrong :P

    2. Lahm


      Haven't seen anything wrong but i also find the @ annoying.

    3. GermanShepherdD
  2. Think its gonna be an all nighter... Well an all Dayer.

  3. Iv added her to the 343industries.org member of the month wall but no awards or anything like that. Just a fill in till May.
  4. Hey everyone, We're doing things a little different just once. The plan is to get the MoM on schedule with the regular Calender month in lieu of starting and ending in the middle of the month. So we have decided to promote the 343iBot to the MoM position until the end of April and come May 1st we will choose a new MoM and things should get back to normal with a new MoM every month. This just makes it easier for us all to keep track of as well as just kinda makes sense. We didn't want to leave Donut as MoM just to be fair to everyone as all MoM's are entitled to their full month. (No disrespect to Donut ) Hopefully this doesn't cause too much of an uproar. Yours truly Twam
  5. Update: Just verified the account so the url is a little cleaner https://www.facebook.com/343iCommunity
  6. Some kind of server problems happend when i was asleep... if i remembed to turn my phone off of vibrate i probably would have fixed it earlier but well i was sleepin :D

    1. The Director

      The Director

      Is that why I'm seeing the site all widescreen? o.O

  7. Jester and AD's first posts We certainly have come along way haven't we. Hmm... Did you know that there were hidden 48 hours codes placed throughout the site on April fools day and they all got found and used. Though no one mentioned it they all got used lol.
  8. Did you know that over half my Posts are in the Staff section hidden from the public ?
  9. I know this is in the Correct Section but I'm still gonna close it.
  10. Did you know that i owned all the domains 10 months before i every created the forum or published any content.
  11. Congrats PS. The system should give you an award when you make 14 more posts or whenever the post count on your profile reaches 1k.
  12. Another night of work, followed by more work.... Sounds like a good plan untill 6am when im like "meh, ill do it tommorrow"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZB-85


      Haven't we all felt that way.

    3. Azaxx


      lol u always do that Twam

    4. FIREN4


      Lol, hope your work lessens ^_^

  13. Well about time for me to go to bed, Goodnight :)

    1. Azaxx


      NiNi, but btw, sleep is bad for you, it makes u sick

    2. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Good Night, and thanks for all the good times :D

  14. It's impossible for my account to be warned. Favorite flavor or ice cream ?
  15. Started out as just a nap... then one thing lead to another and before i knew it was dark outside.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn
    3. Azaxx


      yeah and that

    4. ArrowHyphy


      Story of my life lol I needa job. Sleep feels so good and when you don't have a real reason to get up its that much better

  16. Sun is out, no clouds, warm wheather... what a day to be trapped inside creating 150 identicle but different server accounts. Hopefully no dns issues but who knows. Luckly nothing to do with 343i and there shouldn't be any issues with us.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FIREN4


      creating 150 accounts?

    3. Noahsammy99


      Did you get banned twam? Caboose keeps saying you are

    4. Caboose


      noah it was part of that April fools thing DUH he changed himself to black to make it look like that

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