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Everything posted by Twam

  1. When i did it i only got 2 phantoms... Just kill the Banshees took me 30min
  2. Server upgrade will happen today... I just made sure of it. My on-site tech starts his shift in about an hour and I'm expecting the RAM upgrade to be one of the first things he works on.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quantum


      Does the site ram help with speed on our part? Just for this site, I mean?

    3.  Twam


      It doesn't make us any faster but it allows me to up the limit the web server can handle at any givin time. Meaning less lag during peek hours.

    4. Quantum
  3. Hmm... Still no RAM upgrade, Hopefully soon.

  4. RAM Upgrade sometime tommorrow, Should get rid of all lag during peek hours.

    1. MCPO Mayh3m
    2. ZB-85
    3. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      RAM! Grab life by the horns! LOL!

  5. Just got a ATI Radeon 5970 :D

    1. Show previous comments  29 more
    2.  Twam
    3. SuperIntendant


      Sure, but people can't post twice in a row, that's no fair.

    4. BraverKING514


      I honestly understood none of that. It might as well have been written in Chinese. Dang I feel dumb.

  6. Long Day, Good night all :)

  7. Work is fun :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quantum


      Twam, what all do you do for work?

    3. SuperIntendant


      He's an FBI agent charged with eliminating the internet of trolls.

    4. Quantum


      No, it was a serious question.

  8. Staff Response Closed... Same topic can be found here - http://343i.org/1w
  9. 4am, Nephew must be in bed... Time to recover my account and play some live :)

    1. The Director

      The Director

      lmao don't forget to shout horrific obscenities if you have a mic :D

  10. Superjumps, Glitching, Button Combo's. Tower of Power, TROY, Cat and Mouse.... When a 50 was actually hard to get and not easy to get in every playlist.
  11. Staff Response Thread Closed, Threads like this will be considered Spam.
  12. Got 10 more Domains making my grand total somewhere around 160ish =]

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Twam is building an Empire!

  13. I proved he didnt work at Bungie nor 343i the day he signed up, he hasnt been back since. lol
  14. Has to reformat :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. SuperIntendant


      Reformatting to what?

    4.  Twam


      Reformatted my computer, took all day but finally finished getting all my files back...

  15. Hey everyone, Just wanted to post a small update that all the bugs in the "Shorten URL" have been fixed (hopefully). But before i get into that id like to wish all members a Happy Holidays, and thanks for everything As some of you have noticed at the top right of ever page of the site below the Search box there is now a link titled "Shorten URL". This will allow you to link to Long links from 343industries or any site and condense them down. I did this for anyone wishing to tweet about 343i as before you would not be able link some larger URLs. For example the link of this Post is www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5008-343iorg-short-urls/page__pid__43666#entry43666 Though after selecting "Shorten URL" then choosing to shorten the current url, i have created a small link which would lead me to the same place. http://343i.org/c This will also give us a little more use out of the short domain
  16. Awards system comeing soon =]

    1. Ardent Prayer
    2. SuperIntendant


      Can I recommend an award?

      Waaahmbulance - Have the most recent post in every section on the site. (I did that once by the way, I have the screen caps :P)

    3. MCPO Mayh3m
  17. Another day another DDOS attack...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fire


      Dance Dance orhpanage syclone?

    3. SuperIntendant


      Wait we are being DDOSed, oh **** by who?

    4.  Twam


      I dunno, probably one of our haters... But doesn't matter their attempts are futile. DDOS Mitigation FTW

  18. Clans anyone ?

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      lolclans!! JUST KIDDING!!!

    2. SuperIntendant


      I don't understand are you hungry, Twam are you hungry, are you cold... do you need a blanket do you want some hot dogs and a blanket

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Im already in a clan. xRaP1ds FTW

  19. Just bought a new server =]

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      You shouldn't have I was only expecting socks for christmas

    2. SuperIntendant


      Aaaa that's nice of you, you should donate the old one to EA, it's probably better then anything they have :P

    3.  Twam


      That's probably true.

  20. Whats on my mind ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SuperIntendant


      You are thinking that you want to promote Caboose to co-admin of this site and then give him a million dollars and a pat on the back.


      Or a kitten, because I like kittens because they let me pet then even when me hands are sticky.

    3.  Twam


      lol... Hmm a lot to think about.

      Thanks =]

    4. Ardent Prayer
  21. Seems he has found a buyer or is just not interested in selling anymore.
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