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Everything posted by Twam

  1. Currently i have the Home button directing users to the forum, this will be changed soon. At the bottom left of the page you can click on "Change Theme" and select the mobile version.
  2. First part of the update finished successfully

    1. Vore


      On a scale of 1-10, I give the new look an 11.

    2. KSI Axiom Verve

      KSI Axiom Verve

      hey jump on xbox live sir and let me show you this very approved map of mine

    3. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Love it Twam, thanks again for all of the hard work!!

  3. First part of the update finished successfully

  4. Hello everyone Thought i should fill you in on this part (Part 1) of the update. We have upgraded our Core software to the latest version (3.1.3 to 3.2.2) The News system has been updated to its latest version (2.1.2 to 2.2.1) The 343i Shoutbox has been upgraded to its latest version (1.1.3 to 1.2.3) Plus the Calender and other small parts of the site have been upgraded. ReachStats will be upgraded to its latest version shortly so please excuse any current errors. Since the board is up to date I have applied our new skin and made it default for all users. (Our Mobile Skin is still available for any users needing to use it) If anyone noticed any Bugs please post them in this thread. I have noticed a few with the skin and i will get those fixed. All of the Skin image issues that we were having have seem to be fixed, if anyone notices any skin issues please let us know This Part 1 update was mostly to deal with the core system. Please Expect - Posting our Rules for the Site - Complete - Implementing Signature restrictions Rules - Complete - At the bottom right of every page is a link to our Rules - Adding Captcha System for registration - Haven't added Capcha at registration but Spam account should automatically be deleted on registration - Allow Trusted Users to bypass flood limit (will remove this if it becomes a problem) - Complete - Allow Trusted users to store more PM's then just 50 - Complete - Upgrade ReachStats to work with the latest Board version - Complete (Thanks iBotPeaches) Any Problems users have been having with Reporting should now be fixed, if anyone is still missing the report button please let us know so i can get this fixed. Me and Jester have been talking about what new sections to add such as Clan and other Game arrangements, a section for all other games not pertaining to Halo or even on the Xbox for that matter. Just a quick update. (October 10) The thread rating system has now been enabled, Works just the same as the user rating system. There are five stars at the top of every thread. User's are now able to use Animated avatars again, some people where having problems with this. The + and - user post rating system is gone and replaced with "Like" ratings, every post has a "Like This" button. We have also added 2 sections. 1 for Clans and Game meets/arrangements, and the other for all other games not pertaining to Halo. Trusted users do not have a flood limit In Part 2 which should be happening shortly, Part 2 will not cause us any downtime. Ill create update topics as we continue with the update or any new information arises. I'll just update this thread. Twam
  5. Thanks for reporting SPAM it really helps.

  6. Looking forward to updating this weekend.

  7. Besides adding Capcha on registration i have also just added another Spam precaution. This hopefully wont effect any users but should stop Spam.
  8. By the end of this week we should be updated and Capcha System enabled, That should stop mots of it.
  9. Just got back from Vacation, was great but glad to be Home.
  10. Winners please be sure to reply to the PM's i have sent you
  11. The 343i.org Give Away Contest has ended for September! Here is the list of winners 1: Twinreaper - 1600 Microsoft Points 2: One - A Silicone Protective Case for a Xbox 360 Controller. 3: Dev - A Silicone Protective Case for a Xbox 360 Controller. 4: Destyran - A Silicone Protective Case for a Xbox 360 Controller. 5: Headhunter - A Silicone Protective Case for a Xbox 360 Controller. Congratulations to all the winners of the September 343 Industries Give Away contest! Winners, Please expect to receive a private message or an email from 343i.org so that we can get your information. Our next Giveaway will be for a Pre order copy of "Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary"
  12. A lot of great quotes. The winners have been chosen at random, and will be posted in the announcement section.
  13. TU is confirmed for 21st September. We won't notice anything until the new playlist is made live on 4th October. Read the full article here
  14. Must have happened when we upgraded to this forum system as all members that were already registered had their signup date changed, why mine is late i dunno lol. Here my real signup date
  15. Back when we were using our old forum system... Now thats old.
  16. The "343Temp" Skin is only our temporary skin till our next update. But ill make sure to keep the Mobile skin for users using their phones.
  17. Edit: OH WOW, i didn't know it was that big.
  18. New Skin is coming along nicely

    1. John-117
    2. TheRealJohn117


      "Oh ya!!!" That's the noise you make when u suck my nuts!!!

  19. So do we, hopefully most of that will stop in next update
  20. Staff Response This topic is out of date, please read our next update HERE Hey Everyone, I just wanted to fill you all in on our upcoming updates. These are the main things that we will be updating first, but there has been many great suggestions that i also plan on implementing. - New Skin - Upgrading the board software version from 3.1.4 to 3.2.x - Upgrading our News system to the latest version - Posting our Rules for the Site - Implementing Signature restrictions - Adding Captcha System for registration - Allow Trusted Users to bypass flood limit (will remove this if it becomes a problem) - Allow Trusted users to store more PM's then just 50 - Upgrade ReachStats to work with the latest Board version - Mail system Fixed and working on email forwarders Those are the main updates, once our board is up to date then I can start adding more features. Iv been reading that some users are having problems reporting and editing their profile settings, this board update should fix all those issues. We also plan on adding a point system where users will gain points for Posting, Creating topis, Creating polls, Having users post on their topics, and just overall activeness. Then these users will be able to buy items with these points such as Raffle tickets for our monthly giveaways, Members Titles, and more... I have also been wanting to add a Gallery and Video section so that members can show off their Screenshots and videos, these would be hosted on our server and available to post throughout the forums. Though this would not be updated in our next update but something to expect down the road. Since the Trusted members Group does not differ much from the regular members group besides showing the pride of being active we might be adding another group for users past trusted, we may start offering these users special things such as @343industries.org email forwarders. Where you could have your [email protected] forward all mail to your actual email address. These will be done manually as obviously some emails will be prohibited. Besides this there will be some back end changes as well as some small additions such as members being send Birthday Wishes on their Birthdays, and fixing our Registration emails. We have been reading all of your suggestions and would like to thank members for reporting bugs they have found. Of course more info to come as time goes on. Twam
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