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Everything posted by Twam

  1. Username and Display names are different, if you have changed your display name you will be required to login with your original username you have created.... i think.
  2. My Bad... I forgot to reset after replacing the switch Now we should be good
  3. Switch is changed, everything should be good.
  4. Hey Everyone, I wanted to let you know if you didn't already, that we've been having some problems for the last week or two with one of our switches. In particular, the link between this switch and the rest of our network has gone offline approximately once a day for the past couple of days, with less frequent problems prior to that. In the course of troubleshooting this issue, i have now determined that the switch itself is faulty, and will be replacing it sometime tomorrow. For this switch replacement, there will be some downtime. We expect the downtime tomorrow to be between 15 and 30 minutes, as we expect it to take that long to unplug all the cables from the current switch, and make sure they get connected to the matching port on the new switch. All other maintenance related to this changeover should not cause downtime, just the cable moves, so however long that takes is how long there will be downtime. I apologize for the inconvenience here, and for the late notification. Please be assured that I am doing everything that I can to minimize any further downtime. -Twam
  5. The person above me reminds me of lemonade. The person below me doesn't use emoticons enough
  6. Got board one day, so me and a friend thought we would take it out on the AI Player. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7-I5h90Cug
  7. Staff Response This Giveaway has ended, For more information CLICK HERE Hey Everyone, I thought it was about time for us to do another giveaway. Also wanted to let everyone know that early next month we will be preforming a major site update, but i will be making another thread about this later where you will be free to ask questions as well as get more information on the update. Anyways on to the Giveaway. Once again our top prize will be 1600 Microsoft Points + Promotion to Trusted user if you are not already trusted. Secondary prizes will be Black or White Silicone Protective Case's for the Xbox 360 Controller. This time im making this very easy for all members, all you have to do is post your favorite Halo quote and where the quote is from in this thread. That's it. Some examples "I need a weapon." - Master Chief (Halo 2) "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?" - Prophet of Truth (Halo 2) "I have defied gods and demons. I am your shield; I am your sword. I know you; your past, your future. This is the way the world ends." - Cortana (Halo 3) Feel free to submit as many quote as you like, but be informed that your name will only be entered into the raffle once no matter how many times you post in this thread. This Raffles ends on Friday, September the 16th 2011 at 11:59:59 EST
  8. This will be fixed in our next site update, its to due with our current temporary skin. This should be fixed now, but if it is not ill make sure it is by our next site update. We get daily DDOS attacks against us, i have setup proper precautions to minimize lag in the event. Is this still happening ? We had a few issues when Bungie was down. When the page says "Loading..." at the top of the page its purely the shoutbox. In the event that we are under a DDOS attack and the server starts to lag the Shoutbox comes out of sync and thats why members are experiencing errors. I will be posting information about our next site update soon.
  9. In our next update we will be adding more privileges to being Trusted.
  10. G Ghost of Reach - Martin O'Donnell And Michael Salvatori
  11. Updates will be the death of me...

  12. Bob handles all account functions.

  13. Pizza and Wings anyone ?

  14. forward to the fight between... (642 Replies, Keep it up )
  15.  Twam


    haha made me laugh
  16. Getting my Spartan stuck on the "eye candy" thats in reach. The little lips and ridged or door frames that i sometimes just get hung up on.
  17. uhgg... Time for bed, have to be up early to be at a networking job :(

  18. Fixing website Bugs.....

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00gAbgBu8R4 Euclideon Pty Ltd is a computer software company developing 3D computer graphics middleware for uses which include video games and industrial data visualization. It is best known for Unlimited Detail, a 3D rendering technology for displaying unlimited point cloud data in real-time. Gaming of the Future
  20. Working on our new Giveaway system

  21. Just a few hours left, we will contact the winners via PM before announcing them.
  22. Updates...Updates...Updates....

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