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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Wikipedia isn't reliable, so most likely wiki, i doubt 343 would make a mistake.
  2. Im not on this list, im sorry, but, it doesn't make sense, i should be #1.
  3. I doubt stuff like instant Spawn and Random Weapon locations are in the game, and i hope join in isn't, but the rest of it seems ok. I still have faith in 343, and i will until i decide to review halo 4.
  4. Now, as we all know, SOME halo 4 info, some true or some not, has been leaked, and, frankie has made a response to it, incase you haven't seen, i will post it here. LINK: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=36732537&postcount=15020 "The magazine scans were always going to come out the day after the cover debuted, that almost always happens. We can't talk about the story in detail, because it is GI's exclusive. I will say that some of the things that "invested, emotional" players are "raising eyebrows slightly at" are being very misinterpreted ("random" weapon spawns for example) but we will be able to clarify some of those things in due time. Some of the other features, abilities, are also being discussed with no context (not your guys' fault, obviously) and frankly, a video of TS would probably allay many of the especially hysterical reactions, but we're not there yet. We haven't seen a single reaction we didn't expect (apart from the Dax love story) and we will clarify a lot of this stuff 100% in the coming weeks and months. SOME of the things in here won't be properly understood outside of a holistic experience (modes, progress, fictional setting, etc) but I am going to say one thing and leave it at that: It feels like Halo, it does NOT feel or act like the other game(s) it's being compared to. Again, without playing it, you can't be blamed for jumping to certain conclusions." Opinions? Personally, i believe that some of it is true, and frankie agrees in a way, and in another way he doesn't, as he specifies what they will expand on and what they won't, im slightly skeptical and worried about some of the things in the leak and i hope they aren't true (Join in Public Games, etc), so, i want to know now what is true and what isn't As i said though, i want YOUR opinions, so, lets go
  5. they are both good maps, the problem is that they are overpowered on 1 side compared to the other cover wise, so, it wasn't a balanced or symmetrical map in that respect, hence, why people complained and got them taken out.
  6. I think halo 3 got a good final standing ovation. <3
  7. I Ban FIREN4 For being part of the milky way.
  8. i won't believe this until thse pictures are confirmed. Still, pretty bad ass.
  9. some arguments can be justified though, and, arguments can lead to intellignet ones too, things like CoD sucks is not necessarily wrong or right, but it leads people to expand on the point on why they are wrong or right based on other people's opinions.
  10. The way to not get RROD is to keep it off the ground or a desk, may it elevated, so all of the air vents work, because the original xbox 360 had cooling issues, you had to keep it off the ground, so all the air vents could work fully, which is why mine is on top of a box with holes in it, DONT put it on its edge though, as sometimes the disc falls out of the disc tray, and your xbox won't work. The silm is much better with more air vents, so it obviously works much better. Hope i helped.
  11. invite me if im online , my GT is at the side
  12. Black, for the lulz. Dr Pepper Original or Dr Pepper Cherry?
  13. move it to the side of the bed and sleep on the other side.
  14. According to Jessica Shea's twitter, 343 won't be attending as an organisation, various members of 343 might though. https://twitter.com/#!/bsangel/status/184347017840033792
  15. sounds sick, will they all have to be downloaded off fileshare? or are you hoping bungie.net is back before the end of the month? im DYING to play on these maps
  16. the MLG forums hold no standing anywhere because they are full of trolls, which is true, people get neg repped for putting a rightful comment? this is why ive lost all belief in the MLG side of the halo community. Anyway, why you being so harsh on 343? for you all know that may be misleading information your giving and have been given, and you are spreading it, don't believe anything unless GameInformer/343i say it is true.
  17. we are repopulation halo 3 for the final time as a rememberance day for halo 3 basically, it will be good and i invite everyone to join! I will be hosting custom games for people who are interested.
  18. Your xbox must have godly powers!
  19. compared to C&C on xbox, it is pretty poor.
  20. interesting, i may buy this, just so now i don't have to buy a guitar.
  21. Good to see the channel Getting some recognition.
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