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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay
  2. Welcome to the forum, and interesting read, glad u got them cheaters banned
  3. i don't think it will happen, having said that, a lot in this world has happened which we can't describe......
  4. Well, you never know, he may want to help the chief again, which is always good
  5. hmmm, as long as it doesn't go too off track from the core gameplay, its all good. we all know what editing can do to a game.
  6. 8/10, nice sig but thats it, needs more to it.
  7. Halo/Silent hill would be interesting.
  8. Nah, my heart couldn't take it. Biggles or Giggles?
  9. i hope clans comeb ack in halo 4, in halo 2, it was the shizzle.
  10. Welcome to the forum, and please, stop using this language. In answer to your question, not all spawn systems for maps are perfect, and that's why some spawns are unfair and messed up. Also, evade is seen as Overpowered in general, the only reason you see it is as good is you use it and get kills, so obviously you want it kept, yet if it happens to you, you won't want it, it works both ways. Don't rant in such a way you use offensive language please.
  12. Midship in halo 2, Heretic in halo 3.
  13. im happy its in there, The DMR is a good weapon
  14. Hope to see donut back soon to contineu the MoM legacy.
  15. hahhaa, so funny i lol'd quite hard.
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