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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Diablo III looks to be immense, but is it true you have to buy world items with real money? that sucks.
  2. why is halo reach still £16? i could go into GAME....Oh wait. But serious, i could go into a local gaming store and buy it for like £10, so.....don't see how XBL Works...
  3. Frankie said there won't be a halo 4 beta as it will take up too much time on the finished product and they want to finish the game off and its MP and polish it, so it is the perfect game.
  4. BF3 has a great multiplayer, bit epetitive, but great.
  5. Brutes, Elites are too OP. Starcraft 1 Or Starcraft 2?
  6. Bye mate, hope to see you back soon. <3
  7. must of took him a while to hack into my non existent one.
  8. i lol'd quite hard ZB, never seen that before, pretty cool.
  9. i don't understand how this list works, how can someone be attractive if you've never seen their picture before?
  10. Mr Biggles

    Dual Wielding

    dual wielding is cool, so yeah for sure bring it back
  11. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  12. looks pretty cool, hope to hear more information.
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