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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Halo Reach, Halo 3 = </3 Halo Reach DMR or H3 BR?
  2. Don't understand? reach had the same vehicles and a few more? how was halo 3 better vehicle wise? Weapons i can't understand either, DMR > BR, Halo Reach Sniper > Halo 3 Sniper IMO.
  3. no, it has a set timer, so, when its dropped, it takes another 118s for sniper to respawn, it doesn't matter when its picked up, when its dropped, the countdown restarts, it can be picked up 30 seconds later, but, the timer won't start when it has being picked up, but when it is dropped onto the map itself. For AA, yes, when the carrier's body disappears (34 seconds), the AA comes back on the map.
  4. i got the nicest overkill ever, no scope 360, out DMR, backsmack, Snipe to the face Also when i out DMRed Ninja, The MLG Pro live on his stream and he went crazy and everyone on his twitch chat was like "LOL OWNED."
  5. for all new MLG players, this is the weapon timings for reach, they haven't changed from v1 - v7, and these are the current ones for Sniper, Rockets and Grenade Launcher. http://www.leopardstealth.com/ Hope this is helpful If you use this during a 15 minute game, you can press start and when you see one of the counters going red, it means the power weapon is coming up soon, also, it can be used for different maps in MLG, and for CTF/TS/KotH Settings, its really helpful and a great site:D Incase you can't be bothered going on the site: Rocket: 178s* Sniper: 118s* Grenade Launcher: 118s* Plasma Pistol: 90s Jet Pack: 1s** DMR: 10s Needle Rifle: 10s Frag Grenade: 30s Plasma Grenade: 30s Health Pack: 30s *=Constant Timer **=Time begins after carriers' dead body has disappeared. (This process takes 34 seconds.) No evade or Magnum for v7 settings, so, i thought i'd take it out.
  6. TB, but, are tehy the only choices you've got? if i were you, i'd go Steelseries or if you can afford it, Astro.
  7. but then everyone would think you were depressed and would not want to talk to you anyway. I wish Games were Real.
  8. Post your favourite ever Youtube video / Youtube series ever, for youtube series, just post the beginning video and just tell people there is a series Favourite youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b2gQno0_Gc Excess Swearing, but really funny. Favourite Youtube Series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wmhfn3mgWUI Series is called Marble hornets: im not going to say much, but its not for the faint hearted/easily scared. You can do both choices or One of the two choices.
  9. With ZB? Dmr, Pistol is overpowered. Headshot or backsmack? last post on this thread for a while., i feel like im spamming it however, i got a video which can influence your vote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2xFUG9EJx4
  10. There won't be hundreds of thounsands people playing it, most people will still want to play CoD/Battlefield, because its what people are used to playing, Halo 2 had no competition on the original xbox, but, on 360, it does, so, no, there won't be as many people playing. XBC does work pretty well actually, and it is the closest thing we gonna have to h2 online for a while, because, 343 most likely won't open the servers back up.
  11. this is very interesting and i could see it working.
  12. MLG, i love the competition Camo or overshield?
  13. glad to see your appreciation of halo. i agree too, Halo does so much more from any game then any game ever did, so, thankyou halo <3
  14. you should of also added like gametypes and maps as well.
  15. So, people who know how to use the DMR and bloom still play yet the people who can't use the DMR or bloom quit because they aren't good with it? don't deny that isn't a fact either AD, u know it is, people who can't use the feature of bloom normally quit to play another game because they don't want to play something which is not similar to past halos. There's nothing wrong with the advancements of reach, nothing at all, Reach is a good game, its just because people don't like change, and this is just one example of it. I am open to other opinions and i accept his opinion, i just gave my own viewpoint.
  16. Please can everyone Pray for Fabrice Muamba, a soccer player who collapsed yesterday in a soccer Game (Tottenham Vs Bolton), he is currently critically ill after having a heart attack and may die.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mr Biggles
    3. FIREN4


      I don't know him, nor saw it. But he is in my prayers, I will "try".

    4. MCPO Mayh3m
  17. people can't adapt, and they blame the game for it, because it is different and IMO in some ways better, people just want the original game and that's it, ANY change = No. It sucks.
  18. does the ending change on which choice you pick?
  19. ive heard about this clan and ive heard good reports, i hope you get a lot of members as this site truly deserves it
  20. while there's no information on any limited/legendary editions about the game, rumour is there will be a halo 4 xbox 360 theme. http://www.gamezone.com/products/halo-4/news/halo-4-special-edition-xbox-360-could-mean-2013-14-release-for-xbox-720
  21. normally if the host is bad and his bandwith sucks, the game realises and changes host. Maybe you quit before it happens and that is why you get bad games sometimes?
  22. few days, if you play it consistently and don't think about rank, IMO it goes up much quicker.
  23. they are going to try and keep close to the halo books, so, they won't add anything new for single player, apart from a new campaign. Also, for MP, i think it should be more like reach, but change the ranking system, more maps and no bloom and it would be perfect
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