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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Day, i get quite annoyed at night. Are you single or not?
  2. lol, if its gonna come out, its gonna come out late next year / early 2014, u got plenty of time dugs
  3. you need to stop posting this, we understand your unhappy with evade not being in most playlist5s anymore, but you don't need to spam your video everywhere.
  4. Mr Biggles

    Halo 4 on PC?

    Crush the competition? It won't beat TF2 or SC2 or CS? Hell, it won't even beat minecraft, so, it won't crush that much for FPS.
  5. for starters, how would you be able to update a tablet? you can't add anything because the equipment will probably be specialised, and i doubt they'll start their own tablet thing for improving, cause ti'll cose them laods of money and people will still use PC / xbox anyway.
  6. Grammar Nazi here. <3 Interesting post mate, very fun reading
  7. there's nothing about forge so far, but, knowing halo, Forge 2.1/3.0 is on the way
  8. RB, much easier to control and much easier to hit without your hand moving.
  9. LOL what? why should of it of stayed at that high price? its worth about 15-20 bucks, it had a good campaign but too short, and firefight got boring.
  10. Kill, i like my life would you rather be immortal or invulnerable? (apart from you can die from old age, but nothing else can kill you).
  11. Reach was good, why complain because the ranking system wasn't 1-50? The system for halo 4 may not be 1-50, so don't complain about it. DMR > BR, i liked the DMR, 1 shot weapon ZB settings = Godly, maybe halo 4 BR will change that. 1 and 2 were good, but IMO Reach > 3 Anyday.
  12. because all the shoutgunners could camp in the lift room and they wouldn't die because the zombies would be mass teamed perhaps?
  13. Mr Biggles

    Halo 4 on PC?

    but with PC, you can use a lot more aimbots and stuff, and, people will always find a way around the defenses and mod on PC.
  14. I think to make halo more fast paced, they need smaller maps Smaller Maps = Less Space = More kills = Faster Games.
  15. Chief's Special armor in arby n the chief
  16. Is there a new Game+? If so, what features do you get?
  17. Question One: can you play it after? Also, the ending was a let down, because i expected some of my squad members didn't die, and i wanted some of them to die.
  18. oh, i love this idea I know donut would LOVE the pink one
  19. I wonder what will happen if MLG drops it off the circuit, does that mean no more MLG playlist?
  20. Byeee man, hope to see you back soon. <3
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