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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Reach's ranking system isn't bad, it just doesn't separate the good and the bad, whichs sucks. i like the idea of earning CR, but, it comes across like CoD and i see why you don't like it. Hopefully we see more info on the h4 ranking system.
  2. because that's how the game was designed, stuff like that isn't meant to make sense because you aren't meant to really shoot at the floor for ages like that. as such, they don't really concentrate on it, but, yeah ,i don't get it either.
  3. i think it looks better in 3rd person, however, i feel like it drives in 1st person. I think its good as it is now.
  4. Halo, However, Gears of war has its good points
  5. Agreed, Sandtrap was an amazing place to forge and have good custom games, needs to be brought back in
  6. Sounds really awesome. Looking forward to this, definitely getting the Limited edition.
  7. LOL? a white one? well, why didn't they just do white and black originally? Stupid Xbox, trying to make bigger sales..... tbh, i think a good idea would be if they made a kinect themed one, where it had like, Kinect themes which you can't get anywhere else, then selling a white one, no one will buy it becuase its no different.
  8. Chief would absorb any Damage Batman gave him. Chief would just kill him.
  9. It will be a public one, like reach was.
  10. but unfortunately the gas didn't.....
  11. What's the obession with GOW all of a sudden? I swear there have not been THAT MANY packs for it before.
  12. Because people want to have the latest thing and look good.
  13. nice community montage, clearly a lot of time has been put into it Nice job
  14. Durango sounds like agood name for anything, especially a console Looking forward to it
  15. Thanks For this. Unlike adam, i love the new layout and i think its much crisper and cleaner
  16. Where do i sign up? <3 Just kidding, Hire Frankie! xD (JOKES FRANKIE, NEVER LEAVE USSS <3)
  17. that's why you need to keep playing, as an incentive to get that inclement weather
  18. The awkward moment when this thread is 1 huge awkward moment.
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