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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. What about Batman Arkham city? or Red Faction: Armageddon?
  2. i think there should be a brand new vehicle, not part of the halo series, that should be used for multiplayer only, so it doesn't really conflict with the story. like, a jeep of some form.
  3. Welcome to the site my friend, i hope you enjoy your stay, we are one huge family
  4. damn dude, sad to see you go, bye man. So, who's going to be event coordinator now?
  5. Mr = Like being called Mr.Brown. Biggles = Fictional character. GT: BigglesBrown BIggles = Explained above Brown = My last name.
  6. Welcome to the site my friend.
  7. ah, ive played with KSI, on my blazedsnip3down account, there a good clan. Welcome my friend
  8. Pet Cheetah, seems more intimidating. WYR have halo 1 campaign, or halo 2 limited multiplayer (only allowed 1 playlist.)
  9. But that means there's awards that no one may ever get because they don't know how to get it. IMO, tell us the requirements.
  10. carter. WYR have Chief's armour or kat's robotic arm?
  11. DMR has always been 5 shot.....and, the damage bleed is fine dude.
  12. Welcome new caboose, hopefully you can live up to the way the old caboose was, funny and active
  13. Assassinations take huge amounts of time, someone could just easily backsmack you or assassinate you straight after. IMO they should be taken out, they look good, but waste time.
  14. not really, the host migration has been fine for me the whole day.
  15. Everything can be infected by the flood, even grunts.
  16. Swear im missing some awards....idk which, just, doesn't look complete.

  17. i don't believe god did all of the stuff, so yes, the more i knew, the less i believed.
  18. He can get a yellow username if he asked enough. You can't get 5 million dollars no matter how much you asked.
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