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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. i think there's been rumors for a long time of more armour i hope this happens, as i love the armor that is out now.
  2. Grifball is fun because it is so random. it is boring because it is so repetitive. Grifball sucks in general. play action sack, WAY more fun.
  3. lol, U can't "move on" to halo CEA really since there isn't competitive multiplayer still, welcome and i hope u have a good time in this friendly, mature forum
  4. i like the idea of the depending on what weapon you use you get rewarded for that, it seems a pretty neat idea but it won't happen for a while, since doing something like that would take a lot of coding and a lot of effort to put in, it may not happen in halo 4, but it may happen afterwards, in a TU, perhaps for halo 4.
  5. Play MLG then...that's as competitive as it is going to get.
  6. i love that show so much, it used to be one of my favourite shows ever.
  7. why are elites so popular? because they look the coolest and do the most damage?
  8. Here's My Spartan. What a boss. <3
  9. this site is so much more mature then all parts of the bungie.net, especially the flood, that place was full of flame. have fun here.
  10. it should be worth less then that its way too short for $30, it should be like $15 or $20.
  11. Mr Biggles

    halo wars

    i don't think halo wars is in the ownage of anyone, or has enough interest anymore for one to actully be made. i was gonna buy halo wars, then i didn't.
  12. Normal Halo Walking just doesn't do it for me anymore, id like to run around now, not literally jog everywhere. it sucks, keep sprint and put the original halo walking in there. a bit faster then reach's.
  13. Superbounces bring back good memories and a lot of fun, they should try and make it some how in Halo 4 again, just some little feature which allows it again, unlike Halo 3 or Halo Reach. I miss Superbounces so much!
  14. does anyone know when The new star wars game is meant to come out? im interested in that too.
  15. just seen it, was a pretty meh film, was pretty good at times, but just another film to tick off. 3 stars.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGulasjkw1c these are all pretty hilarious.
  17. what is the most active playlist on halo 3 now then? still team slayer/social slayer?
  18. you seen it from his POV? (Point of View) On Theater? its obvious if they are using an aim bot.
  19. Sprint is probably the most balanced AA out of all of them. Sprint is the one that should be kept. yes, they can sprint away, you find another way to kill them. how has it took anyway grenade placement? lol, not really, they're just a bit easier now. if anything, i think setups on maps are harder now, because u know someone can sprint right at you and kill you and ruin you setup. Halo should be more like shadowrun IMO.
  20. yes, the hardest one IMO has been LASO, but they had a miniscule amount of credits for it, which is why i Cba with most of the weekly and daily challenges. if they were like 8000 credits for doing something worthwhile.
  21. Mr Biggles


    are you sure you didnt name 2 of them the same name and delete the wrong one?
  22. Just because u can talk doesn't mean you are intelligent. i agree with you, and maybe i phrased my idea wrong, basically depending on how difficult the elite is, shows what weapon he should have. it'd be weird seeing a low ranking elite using a launcher. i agree with your idea, but it should be tested first, and then see how that goes.
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