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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Welcome to the forums , i hope you enjoy your stay
  2. But...when halo 4 comes out, no one will play halo reach, and halo 3 will die if halo 4 is good. Just wait for halo 4.
  3. 1. Its been "Put in the works." that's all we know. 2. It won't be the same, so no, not really, the halo 2 times were the halo 2 times, you can't replicate them, even if you make the same game. 3. Yeah.
  4. I don't see how something like that can improve your accuracy, accuracy is something you have, it can't really be improved, all they are basically is analogue sticks on top of analogue sticks. how does it help?
  5. Cya later bro, hope you're on for all of your survival
  6. Yay, the map went out of my recent games, but i can download it now
  7. 1. Already happening. 2. Great idea should happen
  8. ..Stop doing it then? if that's what is causing it. Player review doesn't mean much anyway.
  9. i like the idea of restarting, makes the game's longitivity better
  10. We don't know Anything about the ranking system yet.
  11. Of course they will, that's not really a surprise....
  12. Im not really sure how many people would want to do it tbh, because, 1v1's have never been popular in the casual community in general, and remember, they are basing halo 4 casually. i think it'd be a great idea, it'd just never happen
  13. I likethe idea, i think it works well for the competitive style of halo.
  14. we are the community forum, not the official forum, we can't help with bans.
  15. Just make sure you find the balance between school and work, your mother can't overwork you anyway.
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