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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. why would you need a theater mode for campaign?
  2. It should be like halo 3, ranked, and social. Also, the BR is back, doesn't mean competitive competition is added, it just means we have a good weapon back
  3. have they made the shoutbox mobile friendly yet?
  4. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    This was my first account. I have had multiple other accounts, i cba getting a 50 on this one since the EXP is terrible.
  5. More Armor Abilities? Are you serious? Sprint and Jetpack are really the only 2 balanced things in the game, so, that's why we had them. Now, its just jetpack.
  6. Mr Biggles

    The SAW

    The name reminds me of CoD The gun looks halo. Kind of stuck between this one.
  7. The shotgun is basically gonna be the same really, yay!
  8. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    I have a 50 on many other accounts. Im pretty sure it was easier to get a 50 when the game first came out because basically you were playing new people. I know it will have a playlist, but, it may not be at events or anything. Please, don't start another arguement, i don't want another banning.
  9. Welcome to the forums If you need any help, Pm ME or anyone
  10. Welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay
  11. This is a positive step for competitive halo!
  12. Cya later mate. So we've lost a survivor player.
  13. Campaign: 1. 2. 6 5 3 4 Multiplayer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Not Really MP....) 6.
  14. I liked the colours as they are now. I don't see why they need changing.
  15. wow, LMG in Halo 4, i never thought i'd see the day. ....Wow.
  16. The Thruster Pack is Like evade.
  17. im not for the idea of this, it seems easy to play oddball now.
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