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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Have fun camping, don't get into any mischief Cya later
  2. Why? doesn't it make sense to have a bug forum to report any bugs? or maybe a report bug tool like we have report member?
  3. that's hard to do if your friends don't play MLG. Play MLG online and see if you like it, its one thing playing with friends then playing with online people. Just play online with friends and don't take it seriously, then go from there.
  4. 1. Make a Bug Subforum, kinda needed for any future bugs that come with any Mass Overhauls/Glitches with the site. 2. There's a problem with The Internet service on a phone and offbeat Items, it seems, for me anyway, when i try to go on via my phone, offbeat Items subforum does not appear, that needs fixing as it could be a major issue for some forumers.
  5. Limited edition just looked a whole lot better.
  6. Edit; Thought i hadn't posted before. If you have any problems, PM me or any of the members, we are only too happy to help
  7. Well done mystic, you are a great member and it has been long overdue
  8. agreed, if people don't want to know, at least then they will be notified, instead of thinking they'll see multiplayer / campaign and getting Mp / Campaign news they don't want to know about.
  9. Well, all of the rights of the halo games have been given to 343, so i don't see why they cant make a PC game. However, they want to keep it on xbox since PC you can get it for free by torrent downloads etc.
  10. I watched the Cycling, where Bradley Wiggins, the Tour De France Winner, Won Gold For GB So Proud of him, best Olympian of GB.
  11. Your GIF didn't work. Also, This has just made me more excited for the campaign, it looks amazing. I wonder what that building at 2:12 is......
  12. Thankyou to everyone who posts, you guys are the reason i still post, this is the best forum i have ever been in and i legitimately love you guys, you are fantastic and i wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you. Thanks guys, and Thankyou for everything you've done for me. Ive actually started crying D: i better end before i start crying my eyes out with this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M EDIT: I Feel like Usain Bolt.
  13. Would love to try these Im always one for competitive maps and these sound great
  14. I will download this and play it with Gazzy, it sounds great and i hope it plays great
  15. Its kind of hard to ask here when most of the members have either been: A. Banned B. Left the Forum because Batchy got banned.
  16. They will probably shut down when the 720 comes out. same way as Halo 2 shut down a bit after xbox 360 came out.
  17. I can give you advice for people who you can shoutout, but, i can't really help write it or anything, Just PM me if interested.
  18. I think it is still 30 FPS.
  19. Add me if you want for BF3 and reach. GT: BigglesBrown
  20. Great video to watch Just shows how much time they put into the series to make it enjoyable for halo fans
  21. Welcome to the forum Don't be afraid to PM people if you have any problems Hope you enjoy your stay
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