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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Nothing will be like CoD.
  2. There aren't really many glitches in halo reach, as they have all been patched. However, when i saw this it was pretty cool
  3. lol, this will never happen. This is the greatest thing in the world. ....if it happened.
  4. Boardwalk. Hemorrage is silly, too big, you can camp and get kills easily. Boardwalk is a great map for snipers, perfect size and good sniping spots.
  5. Sniper. What can i say, im a long range guy.
  6. Can you stop this arguing? Its becoming pathetic. Thanks.
  7. Welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay Don't Hesitate to change your name to Mr.Incondite and be part of the mr.group
  8. Halo. Metroid Prime. Ocarina Of Time Skyrim Starcraft 2 WoW Diablo 3
  9. Saturday, Halo Reach, No. Total, you dare disagree with me?!?!?! This is gonna be an awesome playdate.
  10. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    You didn't listen to what AD said? Reported again. For Insulting, yet again. How am i boasting my win/loss ratio? Please explain, it is an ACHIEVEMENT, im not saying "IM THE BEST CAUSE I HAVE 48 WINS AND 0 LOSSES" everyone knows im proud of it, if it was ego changing i'd be using it against you. Lol, why would i apologise to a person who thinks a 50 is good? and to someone who hates on all members who want to learn and improve? Hell, there may not even be MLG in halo 4. Serious., why are you still here? no one wants you here, the fact that you're stupid enough to call me an idiot and "to not take me seriously" again shows how stupid you are my friend.
  11. Starcraft 2. don't need to explain why.
  12. DMR/BR - Thruster pack - Both good weapons for all ranges, plus i like thruster pack
  13. Cya in a week mate Hope to see you back soon
  14. Carbine is returning. No information on the needler rifle.
  15. Welcome back to the forum dude
  16. Director, the Pimp of Xbox Live. Jokes, but, Director, why you hitting up XBL Chicks?!?! AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!?!?!?! :'( But, i set my status as appear offline for the same reason as director, so my "friends" don't spam me all the time.
  17. My 343i Husband (First Lady + President, No Homo. ) And President is Hot!
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