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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. I can't wait to use resupply, the rest doesn't sound that great. Resupply = win.
  2. BigglesBrown Looking forward to playing with you.
  3. Hope to see you back soon mate
  4. Guys, i took this pic at night, im sorry it looks awful
  5. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    They're my achievements im proud of, they are in no way ego boosting, As i said, go back to the MLG forum, you are a troll, nothing more.
  6. That's exactly what i mean, you offend people. You say i have a one track thought process yet you're the one who offends everyone and says everyone is wrong apart from yourself, when, people know more about Stuff like MLG then you, yet, all you want to do is put down players and say how bad they are, because, you have a 50. Hope you get a worse punishment.
  7. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    Why did you join a forum like this if all you're gonna do is troll and use your ego?
  8. Cause you offend loads of people, try to say everyone is wrong but yourself, you're a huge troll basically and tbh, if you don't calm down, the punishments could be much worse. Every post ive seen from you has been attacking another member/clan, we are not like that, we are not the MLG forum. We are a friendly community who doesn't hate on each other, we can share opinions, but not hate or argue. Clearly this isn't the right forum for you.
  9. Is Instant Respawn in EVERY Gametype or just infinity? just to confirm? Lol, i'll tbag the guy then ninja him then tbag him again
  10. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    But, anyone can get a 50 in MLG, maybe not legitimately, but they still can. Dude, you're such a troll, clearly one of the kids from the MLG forum who think because they have a MLG 50 they are pro. Go back to the MLG forum, where you belong. You're just looking for an argument, like everyone else on that forum, they must love you over there.
  11. Songs Which he didn't like........
  12. Just 20,000 more guys C'mon, we can do it ALL HANDS ON SHOUTBOXXXXXXX.
  13. Welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay Don't Hesitate to change your name to Mr.SpartanKIL and be part of the mr.group
  14. Lol, i think there are some other notiable People: @Bullet: How can you be the "Youngest Top poster" if you're not at the top?! Doesn't make sense sonnn @Total: Ofc Bro. Biggles/Total <3
  15. Mr Biggles


    I saw that as well, kind of disappointed with it, however, ive been disappointed with a lot in halo 4.
  16. Welcome to the forum I hope you enjoy your stay Don't Hesitate to change your name to Mr.RedAngel and be part of the Mr.Group
  17. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    1. So? Doesn't mean a lot of other people don't? So that's why MLG 50 doesn't mean anything, anyone can get one. 2. Why do you care? Why was this your problem to begin with? Ive seen you post in multiple threads annoying most people and i don't understand how you are not banned yet. 3. You say 50 doesn't mean anything, yet, your sig says different, why do you have your General 50 as your sig? you have no arguement with me, if anything, you're looking like the idiot because you're coming off as such a hypocrite. "OH HALO 3 50 MEANS NOTHING BUT I HAVE IT AS MY SIG." As Quoted: "I know, but you have to be good to get a 50 in MLG, and play on it at high levels and hold a high K/D" ^^ Completly wrong, Again, you can boost it and get a 50 in MLG, and you don't have to be that good since most people who play MLG 50 are again, boosters/derankers, who suck. The only time you play against people who are good are pros/semi pros. 4. I don't understand your problem with him, if he wants to go pro and he puts the time in and actually learns from Pro's POV and actually plays well, why can't he go pro? anyone can go pro, yes you need base skill, but most of it you learn yourself, its pretty stupid to say "OH HE WON'T GO PRO BECAUSE OF K/D" because Like Rank in halo 3. K/D means nothing either. Maybe if he changes his mindset and actually wants to learn, he can go pro, just stop being so offensive with everyone and trying to prove me wrong, because, you're not going to win lol. You're coming off as a troll and an idiot
  18. Awkward..,.... TPAM Is a noob for not going off street fighter. TPBM Didn't play halo 2 Multiplayer.
  19. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    a 50 in MLG carries no stature either. There is something called host booting, deranking, boosting. So no, your argument is weak in itself, 1.4 In MLG Isn't high, and i can't say much, but, trust me, for someone who went pro in reach and someone you consider really good at MLG halo, that isn't high at all lol, so, don't question my argument if you use halo 3 50 as a defense, because, it is so flawed. I can play MLG fairly well and im pretty good at reach, does that mean im pro and will be able to compete with US Semi Pros? Let Alone Pros? no, of course it doesn't lol, the Skill Gap between EU and US is too much. Crimsix Interview he said himself he wasn't very good at halo, and i think i know a lot more about MLG then you, so, don't question what i don't know and what i do know, because, someone who uses 50 in halo 3 as an argument is just silly and makes 50 MLG sound Godly when it isn't. He may do, he may of just not liked halo 3 / began in halo 3, like most people did. a lot of pros in reach came from halo 3 (RyaNoob, Goofy, Hysteria, Cloud), so, he may be really good at halo 4 and go pro. Try not to be on the offensive so hard.
  20. Not necessarily true. If they don't like halo 4, they may not support it anymore. as they may realise that halo is finally dead competitive wise.
  21. And this is why, my friends, CoD Is Inferior To Halo. Halo has a MUCH better community. Even though we still aren't the best, we are definitely more mature.
  22. Welcome back to the forum Hope you can stay for a lot longer this time
  23. Mr Biggles

    MLG on halo 4?

    Lol, Again, 50 in halo 3 doesn't hold much stature, since, a 50 in halo 3 isn't hard to get with boosters/derankers and stuff. We aren't talking about halo 3, we are talking about reach. Crimsix said he wasn't very good at reach himself, then he played Snipers/MLG, and improved and went pro.
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