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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Welcome to the forum, and i hope you get members for your clan.
  2. But then you may hit a plane and kill yourself. I wish i could be myself.
  3. Sniper rifle looks alright. Nice find.
  4. no one knows about the gametypes, but everyone believes the core gametypes will be there, along with some new ones!
  5. Maybe there is a cortana dying moment and it just ends there?
  6. From the album: Dog House

    Biggles <3
  7. it looks like a scanner of some sort, as it was using Promethean vision to scan for the chief. Definitely of Forerunner Desecdency.
  8. Nice idea, but, are you sure we have nough active members for this? for each league? i like hte idea gazzy and you have good intentions, but, right now, the foru mis too small with active members who will play MLG, especially, for the maority. most tournaments don't work because new members join, then don't play because they don't know the time they are meant to play because they don't check the florum, and then they leave. i like the idea of leagues, but, IMO, too many people will join whow will just leave, and you'll have to give defaults so much. Seems like too much work.
  9. There will indeed, but it won't be called an xbox 720. check the xbox 360 and Gaming news for more info.
  10. Pointles thread is pointless. But yeah, halo 4 is out soon.
  11. Not to mention it needs to be competitive out of the box.
  12. it is quite scary, yet it may be fake.
  13. I swear we were promised a spectator mode...I want to hear this from frankie.
  14. why do you think you were voted in as president?
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