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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. Dozens about the Pre orders.
  2. This is minecraft we are talking about. What do you expect?
  3. If Virtual Gaming happened, RPG's would be heaven.
  4. More like CoD is turning into halo, you seen the Black Ops 2 Trailer?!?!?!?! Anyway, to keep up with FPS', in some ways it has to be the same as other games, it is NOTHING Like halo in many ways, in some ways it is, but it has no choice because it is the way the people are buying stuff, they want it in that way.
  5. never know with 343, however, could be completly different colour (darkness and light wise.)
  6. One thing i think: Information about Dead Space 3 Perhaps? Something i want: Information on Diablo 3 DLC.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&NR=1&v=p6ANfJskbmY
  8. Nope. IMO it ruins the game and it doesn't really show any skill.
  9. WElcome to the forum You're off to a great start, now just keep going
  10. Far Cry was an amazing game, and the forge made it even better. This for sure needs to be in the halos.
  11. I don't agree the game is going More CoD like, going with the current FPS Theme, yes, going into CoD? No.
  12. if it WAS made, it should be made on PC. i know people are gonna say it worked well on xbox, and it did, so it should be multi-platform.
  13. For it to be a lot longer. More refined firefight. Possibly some sort of other MP Basis?
  14. Hardlight Shield = Armour Lock Thruster Pack = Jet Pack Regeneration Field = Drop Shield Are these all possibilities? Anyway, nice pics, for some reason the 3rd picture reminds me of battlefield 3, don't ask why.
  15. i don't think you will be permantly banned, just make sure you fix your connection as mythic said incase i am indeed wrong.
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