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Mr Biggles

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Everything posted by Mr Biggles

  1. I liked hayabusa, but as Undead said, its been way overused, just, let hayabusa die now.
  2. Why call yourself a director? You aren't a real director!
  3. Im going to get mine from either Amazon, Play, or GAME.
  4. Did you know that halo 3 was in 17 languages? "Halo 3 is available in 17 languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Finnish, French, Italian, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Slovak, Spanish (Iberian and Latin American), Swedish and Traditional Chinese." http://tech.uk.msn.com/features/articles.aspx?cp-documentid=149574730
  5. nope, i don't want it to be like Red Faction with a SLIGHT mix of CoD, lets just keep it core Halo.
  6. i lol'd, they must of typed in "UNSC" and this must of been the first or second image, hahaha, they need to learn about gaming more before they do that again.
  7. that limited edition is so badass.
  8. Anyone Play "Football Superstars"?

    1. One


      The hell is that?

    2. Azaxx


      Sport? Oh my!

    3. Mr Biggles

      Mr Biggles

      @one. www.footballsuperstars.com

  9. i don't like the idea, it doesn't seem like regular halo and halo has always been controlling about 1 guy, but, nice thought.
  10. hahahahahahah, i honestly thought he was gonna hit one of them huge poles, but no, he took himself out. LOL!
  11. Im not from America, but, as zoob said, God bless everyone who fought for their country and died for it.
  12. i don't even understand why this was posted, i don't understand any of it. Explain in basic details.
  13. Um, do you have any information for the UK side of the world? or do you just have american news?
  14. ive heard this is the hardest skull to get. good luck getting it.
  15. That's how i felt when i saw it too haha
  16. i think its only a preorder bonus, as Pony said, but, i think you get more with a higher edition, but, don't quote me on that.
  17. maybe you should pre order it at a retailer instead to see what they have to offer.
  18. Multiplayer is becoming more the focus of games, so im sure you can understand why it is all focused around MP now, but i agree, the campaign needs to get a bit of hype and attention.
  19. Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your stay here
  20. Wow......um.....that is a mindtwiister, i don't know what to answer
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